Al Ghafoor - The All Forgiving

Al Ghafoor - The All Forgiving- cover page

Al Ghafoor is the One whose forgiveness covers everything perfectly. He forgives everything as He declared in His book and the price is just returning to Him with true heart. He does not need any fancy words or detailed explanations but only a heart willing to repent in front of Him with the willingness to do good ahead.

Al Ghafoor - The All Forgiving - explanation of name

ALLAH Al Ghafoor does not like anyone to get returned from His door of mercy. Whoever knocks to His pardon, either that one is a repeated returning person or just once after a whole life of sins, anyone who comes before the death moment is accepted and granted His forgiveness.

In this worldly life we never see any majestic king to be that much responsive and mercifully available to the slaves, but ALLAH the most Majestic and the King of all the kings, does so with all the perfection, for He is the most kind and He is Al Ghafoor.

Al Ghafoor - The All Forgiving - ayah no 1 nabbi ibaadi anni ana ghafoor ur raheem

Humans often think that we are such sinners that no one will ever accept us again as a good person and it actually happens. The people around us will never forget our past and the sins that we did at any previous time in life. We even cannot give ourselves such a margin and always judge ourselves because of our past mistakes. The only one who accepts us and covers us with His kindness is our loving Rab. So, why do we remain away from His mercy in life, we all should rush to His forgiveness.

Moreover, sometimes we feel shy and consider ourselves a “gone case” as we do the same cycle of mistakes again and again, we repent and do it again, but cannot stop our intentions from going bad again and fall into the same pit repeatedly. Everyone else can consider us as a “gone case” but even then ALLAH Al Ghafoor is the only One who forgives, who gives support to us to stand again out of that pit. The only thing needed is to ask Him for forgiveness and ask Him for help to be out of that cycle, then try the best on our side.

Al Ghafoor - The All Forgiving - ayah no 2 ALLAH forgives all the sins, donot despair from His mercy

So as we said the name “Al Ghafoor” shows the degree of excellence and perfection in forgiving. If we repent in Him, believe in His only powerful mercy, and then work towards the good side, then ALLAH not only does remove our sins but gives us more opportunities for doing good so that our sins are replaced totally with good deeds and they will ultimately vanish as they were never there. How wonderful is this SubhanAllah.

Al Ghafoor - The All Forgiving ayah no 3, ALLAH will change evil deeds to good deeds on repentence

ALLAH’s world is wide and vast for the people who work hard. Likewise, the one who is true for returning towards the path of His Rab and also true for bringing a good change within own self, for that person the forgiveness of ALLAH is generous and wide. This gives us a huge encouragement to say “أَسْتَغْفِرُ الله”. Seeking the forgiveness of ALLAH for the known and unknown sins daily is like the daily shower for us. As the daily cleaning routine is always needed, this cleaning of the soul is also always needed and is mandatory for keep going well in life.

Al Ghafoor - The All Forgiving - human share

We humans often underestimate the power of ALLAH’s forgiveness. Actually, the words of أَسْتَغْفِرُ الله have the power to change everything in our lives towards betterment. Whatever problems we have, the solution is this. ALLAH has all the mercy and power to make a way in our life and أَسْتَغْفِرُ الله is the “secret clue”. No one of us should miss this clue. May ALLAH forgive, accept, and firmly hold all of us near to Him. aameen.

Al Ghafoor - The All Forgiving, ayah of human share in the name al Ghfoor

As Shakoor - The (Truly) Appreciative


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