As Shakoor - The (Truly) Appreciative

As Shakoor - The (Truly) Appreciative - cover page

As Shakoor is the One who is absolutely appreciative and rewarding.

“Shakoor” is coming from word “Shukr”. If we see the “doer form” of “shukr” it is “shaaker” on the pattern of “faa’il”. “Shakoor” is the superlative degree of this doer form of “Shukr”. The One who appreciates and rewards the best.

The real meaning of “Shukr” is thanks, abundance, increasing, and multiplying. We all know that “thanks” does all of this for us humans when we are thankful to our Rab. But here we are knowing this as a quality of our Loving Rab. His note of appreciation to the servant is as great as He Himself is, that’s why He is “As Shakoor” not simply “Shaakir”

As Shakoor - The (Truly) Appreciative - explanation of name

AsShakoor records all our actions and does not leave any good action, small or big unrewarded. Even we have the facility of erasing our bad deeds because of our good deeds and even then the good deeds are rewarded separately many folds, as much as our loving Rab wills to give. Isn’t this wonderful? In this world, if we replace one thing with another one, things consume and finish, but ALLAH does not even leave our goodness to consume. How kind and generous He is, AlHamdulillah, SubhanALLAH.

As Shakoor - The (Truly) Appreciative - ayah - He will reward good deeds and give even more

So how about when we give in His way with our open and true hearts? Imagine how appreciative and rewarding As Shakoor will be for our pure intentions of giving. He blesses us the rewards as many folds as He likes and not only that, the deed of giving in His way will give us the bonus of forgiveness as well, wow !! Although we are giving this all from the resources ALLAH Himself has given us. What a beneficial trade it is, all of us should do it often. The biggest gain in it is ALLAH’s pleasure and forgiveness.

As Shakoor - The (Truly) Appreciative - Giving to ALLAH in His way is a trade with all benefit

ALLAH - As Shakoor praises His servants who do good by their willingness and this good deed secures betterment for us in this life and the next life.

ALLAH’s reward for a good deed increases as the branches of a fast-growing healthy plant increase fast. Then it extends to the next life where we even cannot imagine in which form that reward we are going to get, how beautiful and fantastic that would be. May all of us reach the best reward of As Shakoor. aameen.

As Shakoor - The (Truly) Appreciative - ayah , human does not know what is hidden with ALLAH for his good deeds

The Human Share of this name is obvious. When our Loving Rab is appreciative even after giving us everything, for our small good deeds, our words of shukr and zikr, and our not-so-perfect efforts. So then, what happened to us that we don’t realize and thank to His limitless blessings and mercy. AsShakoor reminds us to be thankful to both ALLAH and our fellow humans who do any small or big good favor for us.

As Shakoor - The (Truly) Appreciative - explanation of human share in this  name

We try our best to be thankful to ALLAH although we are not able to praise and thank Him as He deserves. But still, we do our best efforts and we should continue to put more effort into doing that in the best possible way.

Not to ignore the thankfulness towards other humans. Sometimes we ignore those good acts and think that he/she does it for their own benefit. Isn’t ALLAH As Shakoor reward us for the deeds which benefit us as well? Say the sacrifice in Eid Ul Adha in which we enjoy the meat and rewards together. Many good deeds give us the benefit of the world as well. We need not think a lot about why others did good and what are their benefits. Just concentrate and be thankful for getting every small and big goodness coming in any good way to us. In return, let us make ourselves more and more beneficial to others. This is the true essence of the name “As Shakoor”

As Shakoor - The (Truly) Appreciative - human share in this name, ayah

Al Ali - The Most High


Al Ghafoor - The All Forgiving