Al Kabeer - The Grand
ALLAH Al Kabeer is the One with whom all greatness and grandeur belong. What greatness exactly means is good to understand. Here greatness is giving the meaning of being perfectly grand, bearing both perfection in existence and perfection in essence.
Perfection of existence denotes the Only one who has the origin and the end (of everything else) with all His greatness remaining the same. He is the only One who deserves to be called grand in this meaning. Let us see in a bit of detail how it is :
Firstly, ALLAH is the One whose presence is everlasting, enduring, and eternal and to whom non-existence is impossible. Man is called great for his longevity of living as we say “our great grandfather”, but ALLAH’s longevity does not have even a limit.
Secondly, His existence is that from which came out the existence of every existing thing. So His existence is perfect in itself and He is The Grand.
Perfection in essence is even more important to understand. We say in every prayer that ‘ALLAH is great. It means that He is the greatest in all His qualities. He is The Grand in all the powers. He knows everything without the need for any way of information and communication. He knows what is open and what is hidden. He is great to know and clearly reads our hearts, thoughts, and intentions. He is great and so, the commands in this world belong only to Him.
ALLAH does not like to be compared. He cannot be compared with anyone because of His greatness, His powers, and His perfection. This is very well said in this hadith al qudsi in words of our beloved Prophet ﷺ
Humans are the highest end of His great creativity, so there is a share of greatness humans can get. SubhanALLAH. How human can be great? The answer to this is simple.
Human greatness lies in sharing the gifts ALLAH gives us.
Firstly, greatness needs a humble heart towards ALLAH that may glorify Him with all the best words and efforts. The greatness man can ever acquire belongs to ALLAH only. He can only bestow a share of greatness to us.
Secondly, as the assistant of ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala on earth and bearer of His last Book, we all have to act here as his messengers. By sticking to the morals he defined for us, being a human model for His kindness, and for the teachings of His book, we need to behave very wisely. We are not expected to be perfect in doing all that but being related to Al Kabeer, we are supposed to do our best to bring everyone nearer to Our Loving Rab.