Al Jaleel - The Majestic
Al Jaleel is the One Who has all the Majesty and most superior Glory.
This Name of ALLAH has a meaning that combines the perfection of majesty and the perfection of beauty. It is a combination of many different aspects that are unique ways to define ALLAH’s majesty. But the main point to understand is that this name has a meaning of consistency and a never-ending character. The extension of His majestic beauty we see everywhere around us and that has no end.
Al Jaleel has a strong aspect of respectful praise for ALLAH, for His absolute majesty. As He is suitable to all the words of praise and glory. He deserves it not only because He is in power and authority but also because He is praiseworthy for His majestic and stunning presence. This name has an element of awe.
The people who don’t know Him will say where is the Rab? and Why we are not able to see Him with our eyes? But those who are familiar with Him by their true hearts, will say where is that place our Rab cannot be seen? His beautiful and majestic presence can be felt in every look and every moment. This feeling of His beautiful presence is never-ending. SubhanALLAH.
ALLAH Al Jaleel is the One who made this world beautiful and praiseworthy. Despite being a place of testing, this world is made with care. As we know the actual praise of a masterpiece is about praising the artist and not the art. So when we praise nature and its wonderful views, we mean to praise the Creator of this fantastic creation. Moreover, knowing that all the beauty of this world is temporary and has to end earlier or later, why not focus on the permanent beauty of the Majestic Creator who created everything?
ALLAH’s majesty is filled with kindness for every living soul. He is our caring and feeding Rab who loves us more than seventy times that of a mother. For His majestic kindness, we remain hopeful to get forgiveness and a better destination despite our sins and the errors we make daily. ALLAH Himself asks us to never lose hope in His greater mercy.
Humans are beautiful by their inner souls and the beauty of the soul is directly connected to their relation with their Rab. We cannot understand and improve ourselves before we understand and know who is our Rab? and how He is. Once we get familiar with Him then we will know how life should be dealt with.
Majestic humans are those who take small steps to progress in betterment in life, improving themselves by learning more about ALLAH and keep on trying every day to be kind to His creations, just to get closer to ALLAH.
This main focus of life is important to decide and it is also important to stay firm in this way. This takes continuous effort, till the day we meet our Rab ul Jaleel in a good way.
In sha ALLAH.