Al Haseeb - The (Alone) Sufficient

Al Haseeb - The (alone) Sufficient

ALLAH - Al Haseeb is the One who is sufficient alone in Himself for this whole world and whatever exists in it. Other than Him, no one in this world is self-sufficient even, everyone needs provisions and security from ALLAH, so far is the idea of being sufficient for others. This name and quality is exclusive for ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala.

Al Haseeb - The (Alone) Sufficient - explanation of name

Haseeb is derived from “hasb” which gives a meaning of being enough. Also, it has the same root derivation as “hisab” which gives this name an aspect concerning the calculations. Al Haseeb is the One who does perfect calculations for what and how much to be given to whom. Moreover, He is enough for all this mathematics of good, bad, profit, and loss in life. He is enough to calculate our gains and losses effortlessly and with perfection. He does it for us in this life as well and He will do it for us in the next life too. The most important calculations will be done on “ yaum ul Hisaab”. So ALLAH subhanahu was ta’ala is fast and perfect in calculation, He said Himself سريع الحساب about His fast and faultless calculations.

Al Haseeb - The (Alone) Sufficient - ayah inna ALLAH kaana ala kulli shaiin haseeba

Knowing that ALLAH is enough and He is the One Who takes care of our all losses and worries, we still think a lot about our matters. Although the important matter in this life for us is only to get ALLAH’s pleasure and His approval. But unfortunately, we take care of everyone’s approval with lots of worries and fears. This is not suitable for the people of Al Haseeb, who knows, their Rab is enough and sufficient for all they get. The people of Al Haseeb who rely on Him do not have the worries of the past and the fears of the future. For the present, they take all matters from ALLAH and be patient with their day-to-day trials of life.

Al Haseeb - The (Alone) Sufficient - ayah do not fear anyone but ALLAH

The factor of tawakkal over Al Haseeb saves a lot of energy. That saved energy and the power charge of tawakkal itself keep us going ahead in whatever circumstances we get in life. ALLAH loves His ibaad with reliance. He blesses and protects them on a priority basis. As we rely on the fact that ALLAH is sufficient for us, ALLAH gives us sustenance, security, and provisions that never get un-enough.

Al Haseeb - The (Alone) Sufficient - whoever relies on ALLAH then He will be sufficient for him

The human part in this name is a beautiful concept of ALLAH’s love which can be achieved only when we get a relationship of perfect reliance with ALLAH.

Al Haseeb - The (Alone) Sufficient - human share

The person who is introduced to the sweetness of this relationship with ALLAH will never agree to go back anywhere else as there is no other one in this world as our loving Rab who is completely sufficient for us.

Al Haseeb - The (Alone) Sufficient - human share , hasbi ALLAHo la illaha illa hoa alahe tawakaltu wa hoa rabbul arshi l azeem

Al Jaleel - The Majestic


Al Muqeet - The Nourisher