Al Muqeet - The Nourisher

Al Muqeet is the One who provides food and provides nourishment with that food by His rahmah. He provides the means to get the food, He created trees and other living creatures to make the items of food for us. He provides nutrients to all His creatures smaller or bigger according to their needs. Even He provides variety in food according to the creatures’ likes and tastes, so that they feel the appetite to eat and take necessary nourishment out of their foods.

ALLAH - Al Muqeet has written our share of food and nutrients as He wrote all other provisions for us. The special thing about the share of our rizq is that it is written but still, it is in a flexible state. We know that certain good acts increase the provision for humans. Such as saying and practically showing thankfulness to ALLAH for His blessings and rizq. Another one is by taking care of others, especially parents, close family, and generally any other living beings. Yet another one is spending in the way of ALLAH with the intention of pleasing Him only.

The other side of the name Al Muqeet is the provision of ilm. First, it is to understand the perfection of knowledge of ALLAH. ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala is all aware of the needs and actions of all His creatures. He knows about every moment of our lives and every detail about our deaths. Second, He blesses us our share of ilm which is indeed a very precious gift from Him. Only human beings among His creatures have His blessed capacity to carry ilm. We are supposed to seek the ilm of His Book, to be aware of our Rab more and more, and to spread awareness of every good for His pleasure.

ALLAH, not only provides us with nourishing provisions of food and ilm but also He is the One who sustains. He sustains us and our provisions both. Numerous of His small and big creatures eat every day but food does not finish. This wonderful system of providing food is created by Al Muqeet for us and we wonder how perfectly maintained this system is.

So we understand that the name Al Muqeet has a meaning of doing continuously. Sustaining our rizq is the responsibility of Al Muqeet. We just have to seek this rizq which is written for us in a permissible way and thank ALLAH for providing us. We don’t have to fear that we finish it if consumed, as ALLAH has provided us before and He will continue to provide us what is written in our account. He will increase it when we share, so why not share these provisions and ask ALLAH for more.

Human sharing in this name is about thanking ALLAH, by saying always His glory and practically remaining submissive to Him. It is also by looking towards Him “only” for all our needs.

Doing our part of hard work for seeking halal rizq is mandatory to make these provisions well deserved for us. But believing that our rizq will come to us anyways and not doing it wrongful for the hurrying of getting more, is the important part in this share.

Another share is by providing nourishment to others from the provisions we got from ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala with an open heart and with this sound belief that ALLAH will provide us enough even when we share and may provide more than before. This firm belief in ALLAH’s provision is something that makes us true servants of Al Muqeet.


Al Haseeb - The (Alone) Sufficient


Al Hafeez - The All Preserver