Al Kareem - The (Absolute) Generous

Al Kareem - The (Absolute) Generous - cover

Al Kareem is the One who is absolutely generous. The generosity here means the noble will of giving without any need or demand of return. Giving also without any upper limit and any period specified. Giving above all the expectations and thoughts and this is possible only from ALLAH - Al Kareem.

Al Kareem - The (Absolute) Generous - explanation of name

This is not only related to giving away wealth. It is also about giving refuge, giving protection, forgiveness, and mercy. ALLAH Al Kareem is the only One who keeps on giving us mercy and his forgiveness, again and again. Although He is all aware of our sins and all-powerful to take revenge as we are totally dependent on Him for everything. But He gives us chances to perform better again and again. He continues to bless us consistently. This is because He is our Loving Al Kareem Rab.

Al Kareem - The (Absolute) Generous - ayah Alla hu al ghani kareem

ALLAH Al Kareem continues to shower on us His kindness. He is Rab who always cares no matter whether any human heart cares for us or not. He is the only relation we have Who always accepts us in whatever bad form we go to Him. He continues to feed us and treat us well. He is our loving and caring host in this world, but usually, we are not attentive to His perfect care, we remain too busy with the attitudes of people around us who are humans like us and get affected by varying circumstances of life and fate. Humans cannot be the same every day as they deal with ups and downs in life as we do. Why not seek perfect and reliable support Who never fails to give us strength and comfort with His kindness, just for being Al Kareem?

Al Kareem - The (Absolute) Generous - ayah O mankind what kept on deciving you about your Rab al Kareem

Our noble and honourable Rab promised us in the Quran a kareem (honourable) place to reach and blessings of a kareem Rizq if we tolerate a few years of testing.

If we think about our average maximum 70 years of age in this world and compare it with our never-ending life in the best conditions, which one do we prefer? This life has to end one day how much ever difficult it may become but if only we may earn from these years an everlasting life of honour, prepared for us by our Kareem Rab, then it will be considered a real success and mission of life accomplished.

فَتَعَالَى اللَّهُ الْمَلِكُ الْحَقُّ  لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْكَرِيمِ Al Kareem - ayah

The human share of Al Kareem is as beautiful as this name is. The Kareem in humans are people with big hearts and strong faiths. They are those who rely on ALLAH and obey Him. Perfection is not needed from humans but trying in the best way is always appreciated. They try to be beneficial for mankind and be the assistant of ALLAH in conveying His kindness to other fellow humans, who have a heart for giving selfless care. The designated assistance of Al Kareem in this world is not for everyone. This position of generosity is a great gift of ALLAH.

Al Kareem - The Generous, human share in this name

May ALLAH make us from the humans of His choice who get hearts better than a grapevine. Aameen Ya Rab ul Kareem.


Ar Raqeeb - The (Keen) Observer


Al Jaleel - The Majestic