.اَللهُ لَآ إِلٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ لَهُ الْأَسْمَآءُ الْحُسْنَىٰ
.اَللهُ لَآ إِلٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ لَهُ الْأَسْمَآءُ الْحُسْنَىٰ
Ilm ul Asmaa
The Ilm of Names which Allah bestowed is the reason that made Adam (A.S) superior to Malaika (angels)
Let’s Learn more about our Loving and Nurturing Creator’s Names, with all our respect and love.
المقصد الأسنى في شرح معاني أسماء الله الحسنى
أبو حامد الغزالي
Explanation to the Beautiful and Perfect Names of ALLAH, Extracted from Taysir al Karim al Rahman
النور الأسنى في شرح أسماء الله الحُسْنَى
الشيخ أمين بن الحسن الأنصاري
فِقْهُ أسماء الحُسْنَى
عبدالرَّزاق بن عبدالمحسن البدر
Ar Rafay' - The Raising Authority
Al Rafay is the one who has all the authority to raise His slaves.
Raising in ranks, raising in ilm, raising in designation and raising in wealth, each and every rise is in mighty hold of Al Rafay’
It is definite that Who has this authority must Himself be the Highest One. His Zikr is Higher then everything else, His Book is better than what all we collect and He raised the Zikr of His Rasul Muhammad ﷺ
Al Khafid - The Lowering Authority
Al Khafid is the name of ALLAH having a unique combination of His authority and yet the touch of care and love He has for all His ibaad. It does not have a meaning of disgrace, it is about, humbling down the servants for any of one reason from ALLAH’s hikmah. Ibad ur Rahman are tested through the lowering and raising times in lives. The true believers are those who trust and obey ALLAH in all times.
Al Basit - The Extender (of Abundance)
Al Basit is the One Who has power to extend, make the expansion and spread His Rahmah, Rizq and the Noor of Hidayah.
Basit is the faa’il (doer) of Bast which mean unfolding and spreading at it full measurement of something at ground, like a carpet. Al Basit is the one who spreads the carpet of His Rahmah all over the world. He is the one who gives trial to restrict the hearts and than relief them by his expanding powers.
Al Qabid - The Gripping Authority
Al Qabid is the one who has all the authority to grip. He grips our hearts with His unmatched majesty, He grips and limit the rizq of whoever He plans and allow it again when He likes, He grips our souls when we dies, He is Al Qabid who has made everything in a cycle of gripping and than let it go, the best example is of heart which holds and than release blood , this cycle is the life, created and maintained by our Rab Al Qabid.
Al Aleem - The All Knowing
Al Aleem is the one who knows all.
He knows everything from first layer to the last one, in all aspects and knows perfectly, who can know a thing better than One who created and made from the scratch, So, Al Aleem knows the best about each and everything. By His rahmah He bestowed of us human the gift of ilm. We need to value it and use it for getting closer to Him and to benefit other human around us.
Al Fattah - The Opener
ALLAH -Al Fatah is the one who makes the clear decisions, openely. He is the One who opens up the doors of success in both lives. He opens up the darkness of sorrow, sins and difficulties towards the light of peace, guidance and ease. He is the ultimate opener to all the goodness exists.
Ar Razzaq - The Provider
ALLAH Ar Razzaq is our loving Rab who provide us all the provisions to use without any demands to give back or give rent. He is the one Who nourishes as with variety of delicious foods and nourishes our soul with the ilm. His rizq is never ending as He said in Quran that the rizq of your Rab is the best and never out of stock.
Al Wahhab - The Bestower (of bounties without measure)
Al Wahhab is one of the greatest and most beautiful names of ALLAH. Al Wahhab is the One who’s nature is giving and keep on giving. He is our Rab and our Bestower. He keeps on blessing us with all bounties regardless of we ask or not. As His Rahmah does not have a boundary likewise His giving does not have any limit, SubhanALLAH, Alhamdulillah
Al Qahhar - The (Ever) Dominating
Al Qahhar is the one who ever dominates, ever conquer and ever wins. all the battles. He has power over everything. He has superiority to make all decisions and implement them. Al Qahhar has a protective side in it which is what sweet about this name of ALLAH.
Al Ghaffar - The (kind) Concealer
Al Ghaffar is the one who hide and conceal our dark sins with His kindness very softly. ALLAH-Al Ghaffar who only allows to show what is beautiful and conceals what is ugly. Sins are among the ugly things which He conceals and forgive. Not only that He forgives us again and again.
Al Musawwir - The Fashioner
Al Musawwir is the One who formed and perfected everything till the final beautiful creation is ready. He as Al Musawwir : arranges the forms of things in the finest order, and forms them in the finest way. Let’s read that what is the human share for us in this absolutely beautiful name of ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala
Al Bari- The (distinctive) Inventor
Al Bari- The Distinctive Inventor is the one who is originator of everything from the very first beginning and not only that He invented each one with a distinction and uniqueness, no 2 finger pores in the world are same as well as no 2 fishes in the huge ocean are same….
Al Khaliq - The Creator
Al Khaliq is name exclusive for ALLAH, as no one except Him can create any thing from nothingness, all of us create things which are made from some material, that material somewhere definitely belongs to ALLAH’s creativity.
Al Mutakabbir- The Majestic
ALLAH Al Mutakabbir is the one to whom all the greatness and true pride belongs to, the human share of this name is to realise and feel the honour of belonging to ALLAH as His servant, glorify Him and obey Him for His greatness.
Al Jabbar - The Irresistible
Al Jabbar- The irresistible is the One whose commands has to be taken and fulfilled, either they are liked or not, as He is the owner of everyone and everything.
Beside this Name is having an element of compulsion and pride which only suits ALLAH, but interestingly Al Jabbar is to, by force joining two fractured ends, to fix the disassembled is the quality of ALLAH - Al Jabbar only.
Al Azeez : The Eminent
Al Azeez is the is the origin of power and origin of life. One who is so significant and essential that, there is no breath without Him, yet He is rare and no one can get access to meet Him until and unless on His will and order.
Al Muhaymin - The (protecting) Guardian
Al- Muhaymin - The Guardian, The Protector
ALLAH subhanahu Ta’ala guides, protect and safeguard us throughout our life, not only this life but life after this as well.
Al Mumin- The Faithful
Al Mumin is the Name of ALLAH closely linked with the security, it is our security from ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala which at the time even we don’t ask Him, He always provide all best means for securing us.
As Salam-The Peace
As Salam is one of the most beautiful and soothing names of ALLAH which gives us peace and secure feelings just by saying it, let us know more about this beautiful name and how we can adopt it in human capacity…
Al Quddus - The Holy
Al Quddus is the name of ALLAH shows His purity from any type of existence of faults. Call him by it: ya ALLAH- ya Quddus (The Holy)…
Learning point from Ayat
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