Al Mutakabbir- The Majestic

Al Mutakabbir is derived from the root of Kabr (ك ب ر) which simply means big.

Al Mutakabbir is “The Majestic”, the One who is greater and bigger than everything else in the entire world and He knows His greatness very well, He is “The Only True Proud”.

Al Mutakabbir- cover image

ALLAH’s greatness and pride are ‘the supreme’.

He is too great to be deficient in anything or self-sufficient to require anything, He is Who Alone is sufficient and suitable alone for all the majesty.

Al Mutakabbir- ayat 1 surah jathiya about His greatness

No one besides Him is justified to say himself as great, or as mighty owner of kingdom.

He is our owner as well, who guides us throughout and warns us clearly from evil.

Al Mutakabbir ayah 2 about glorifying ALLAH for his guidance and for being thankful

The human share in this great name of ALLAH is about realizing the honor of belonging to Him, the greatness of a human is hidden in keeping an honorable relation of glorifying, thanking, and obeying Him.

Al Mutakabbir- the human share in the name

Every human pride is an indication of “no thanks behavior” towards the Truth, the Almighty as all the pride is suitable only to Him.

The only pride we have is pride of being a servant to ALLAH which actually makes us more and more humble to ALLAH and our fellow humans.

Al Mutakabbir ayah 3 surah Isra about ALLAH's perfect greatness

Al Khaliq - The Creator


Al Jabbar - The Irresistible