As Salam-The Peace
The Flawless Peace.
ALLAH-As Salam is the One Who is free from defect, whose peace escapes all imperfection. His perfect peace can cover the whole universe and whatever exists in it. Alhamdulillah.
There can be neither peace nor any security in the world, other than Him.
ALLAH’s peace can be felt in His speech ie His Book for us. ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala said that the true believers who gathered good deeds in this world meet Him and their greeting will be ‘Salam’. ALLAH invites us to that peaceful destination.
1)surat Yunus (10:25)
Also, He mentioned Salam for the right-hand side people (as-haab ul yameen, the people who are successful on the final day ). For them, there is peace on that day and in the days ahead in Jannah. Their Ar Raheem Rab will say salam to them, SubhanALLAH, how soothing to imagine that, and definitely, this is the aim we work hard for. (2)
The human part in this name is the peace and humbleness for the world around you, it is also explained in the Quran, in a very beautiful way.
Everyone whose heart is free from hatred, envy, and evil intent, who is trying their best to leave wrong actions, is looking towards As-Salam. Humans are not expected to have perfection but pure intent in their efforts.
Our Rasulﷺ taught us this dua to praise our Rab after every salat, He is As-Salam, the origin of all the peace and only He can bless us with peace.
4) Muslim 1/414, Hisn al-Muslim 66
Our Rasulﷺ also advised us to spread saying salam among ourselves. (5) Salam is a pleasant way to distribute peace and also this name reminds us that we belong to As-Salam and our aim in the world, is to make peace around us, not to shatter it, so that we reach our peaceful destination.
2) (al Waqiya (56:91), yā sīn(36:58) )
5) Hasan (Al-Albani), Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 787In-book reference : Book 33, Hadith 34