Al Quddus - The Holy

The Holy is the One, who owns every single perfection we can think of. i.e. “Purity from all imperfections”.

Al Quddus - The Holy - cover

As the wise creatures of ALLAH, we may try to understand and recognize this. First, we will look at ourselves and consider our characters and qualities. We will see ;

1) what is perfect regarding us, such as our knowledge and powers, our senses like hearing, seeing, and speaking, our willing, choosing, and our decisions.

2) when we see our qualities, senses, and choices, we will come to know they are a combination of some good and some bad, some power and some weakness, some perfections and some imperfections.

If we can imagine all the perfections together, without any imperfections.

This honest analysis will make us realize in human capacity, the perfection of “The Only Holy ALLAH - Al Quddus.”

Indeed, with all this purity and perfection, all the praises are for Him.

Al Quddus - The Holy- tasbeeh

The next question is what human share we can get from this beautiful name Al Quddus.

Whatever imperfections we have as humans, they can be corrected to some limited extent but no human is perfect completely.

What single thing we can make perfect is Our Intent for ALLAH-Al Quddus.

Al Quddus - The Holy - Human Share

The holiness of the human lies in, freeing his knowledge and will.

By making it free from every intention and focus, except ALLAH.

Whatever good and bad comes in life deal with it appropriately, as we deal with things when we travel towards a set destination to meet someone beloved.

We know the hardships and pleasures of travel are least bothered about as the focus is our destination.

Al Quddus - The Holy - pure intention to ALLAH

As Salam-The Peace


Al Malik - The King