Al Malik - The King

The Supreme and the only King

In His survival and qualities, He does not need anyone or anything, while everyone else and everything else needs Him always.

There are a few meanings of Al Malik, which are important to understand.

1- Being a ruler and in control of everyone.

2- Being an owner of everyone and everything

3- Being a regulator, whose order is needed to do all work.

4- Being responsible for everything, we are under His supervision and care.

al malik,  ayat from surah al buruj, the big stars

This name describes on one side the majesty of ALLAH Subhanahu waTa’ala and on the other side His capability of managing affairs perfectly for a huge kingdom, which has no boundaries and about everything in it, He knows, does not need anyone to inform Him.

This crown belongs absolutely to Him, there are no partners, competitors & crown prince.

Ayat surah taha, about the high absolute authority of ALLAH

Human authority is a gift to man from the True Supreme King.

Al Malik - The King -human share

As His assistant (khalifa) on earth, we have a responsibility to take guidance from Him and be directly linked with Him to get guided, we need to :

  • realize our position in His kingdom

  • look towards Him for all our needs

  • realize His absolute ownership and authority over us, surrender to His decisions

  • Help our fellows to live and get guidance from The True King.


Al Quddus - The Holy


In the name of “ALLAH”