Al Muhaymin - The (protecting) Guardian
“The Guardian” is the One Who protects and watches ever and ever. Moreover, He knows everything that tongues and hearts conceal.
The One Whose presence completely surrounds His creatures concerning their actions, their lives and their death.
Our existence completely depends upon our Rab - Al Muhaymin.
He is the only One who has a perfect combination of the qualities needed to be
“The Guardian”
1- Limitless knowledge, even He knows what is in our thoughts.
2- The perfection of power over us and everything around us.
3- Protection to action- His ability to give protection in all possible locations, circumstances, and times.
Al Anfal (8:40)
ALLAH—the great and glorious—joins these qualities absolutely and perfectly, making Him the excellent and perfect Protecting Guardian. So, why do we need to seek help from others when we have such a great and merciful Rab, who is always lovingly guarding us?
Ash Shura (42:10)
The human share of this name is really interesting to learn.
It is about guarding ourselves from all the intentions and actions that ALLAH dislikes.
The human guardians are those who continuously supervise them to improve and be more and more like what ALLAH asked for and leave what He commanded to leave.
The one who continues this practice of guarding against disobedience of ALLAH until death, is the true protector, and what is even more better?
A better one is who guard oneself as well as the surrounding people to raise the Muslim society together.