Al Azeez : The Eminent

Al Azeez is the One Who is the origin of power and the origin of honour.

Al Azeez cover image

The One Who is so significant and essential that, there is no breath without Him, yet He is so rare and the highest, that no one can get access to see Him. (until and unless on His order & His fixed time).

Al Azeez the eminent definition

ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala called Himself Al-Azeez— “The Almighty” 92 times in the Quran. It is one of the beautiful names of ALLAH in our Book. Most of the occasions it comes with Al Hakeem which shows a perfect combination of honourable power and wisdom.

Despite His limitless power and highest honor, His introduction is nothing else but His Rahma. He is extremely kind to all His creatures and indeed, He is the provider for each one of us.

Al Azeez, Ayat 1 about ALLAH al lateef providing rizq

The name of Al Azeez is about perfection in preciousness. In addition, we need to understand the intensity of need, which means that, all creatures need Him in everything—for their life, for their sustenance, and for all the help they need in any moment of their life.

The human share in this name which we can adopt in life, has 2 aspects.

First is that ALLAH created all the humans with honour. To carry that honour with all the dignity and care is always important. How we can secure that honour? It is by knowing about ALLAH more and more. Only by getting this authentic knowledge, we can keep ALLAH’s sayings in the first place in every matter and every decision of life.

Second is that ‘eminent’ on the human level are the people who get the ilm and then support other people to gather that ilm which connects them to ALLAH - Al Azeez.

This is the only way of maintaining our honour in this life and the next one.


Al Jabbar - The Irresistible


Al Muhaymin - The (protecting) Guardian