One Year of My Muslim Heart
A beautifully written message from a new Muslim brother at completing one year of conversion to Islam. He got many blessings together in this year and most of all ALLAH has blessed him with a bright brain to realize, value, and reflect. He took time to share with us a few of his learning points.

The Expensive Kindness
My dear readers are my companions in every step of my conversion journey from a common man to ALLAH's obedient servant. (May ALLAH make all of us that. Aameen)
As a converted Muslim I am seeing life from different coloured glasses.
But let me share honestly that I felt vulnerable in many moments, by these rapidly changing scenarios.
In the garden of life, there are flowers of all the different kinds and there are some thorns. If we can be a flower for anyone, that's great, but if we cannot, let's not be a thorn.

The Friends in Faith
A true friend is someone who helps us get closer to our faith in Allah Subhanhu wa ta’ala.
Such friendships, rooted in faith, are invaluable. These are the kinds of friends we should all have. They rise above worldly quests and guide us away from superficial fashion, wealth, or appearance competition. A true friend walks alongside you on the path to Allah SWT, supporting you in securing the highest ranks of Jannah, In sha Allah.

Faith & Focus - The Experience of getting Focus in Salah
A beautiful article picturising the sincere efforts of a newly converted Muslim about achieving his focus in salah and how he is puzzled in it and helped out during his first 6-month period. The continuation of efforts always brings us a worthy fruit. from the pen of Our own Adam Muhammad Souvere.

Learning in a Harder Way
Difficult moments of life give us worthy lessons which we otherwise may not be attentive to.
In the mystery of life what ALLAH has written for us, cannot be imagined at many times. This event is one of those which accidently caused me to understand life and belief much more.
Wonderfully written message from Adam Muhammad, Life is essentially all about me and my Rab, what all is important is only “the belief in ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala”

Breaking The Chain of Negativity
A lovely blog post from a young professional who knows that learning is an art and life is the best teacher. Breaking the chain of negativity is an experience of rude behavior and dealing with it in the light of our Quran.

Quran is Our Friend in Need
The best of inheritance from father is ilm and the best of ilm is ilm of Quran, which never leaves you alone at difficult time as it is attached with the Rahmah of Ar Rahman Ar Raheem

The Blind Hearts
Our hearts need more of care to heal, the heart which gets light of wisdom is the heart ALLAH choose to guide…..

The Migrating Birds
Little has been talked about the other side of Muslim emigration stories
From Golden History of Muslims
Soothing D’ua