Faith & Focus - The Experience of getting Focus in Salah

In the last days of this blessed year, I want to thank ALLAH for blessing me with the greatest blessing of emaan this year. It's been half a year when I entered Islam with whole of my heart. Alhamdulillah

We often talk about journeys to get into Islam but after that, for most people it is happily ever after. The struggle often missed is, coping with the real life as "a common Muslim". I promised to share that and here I am.

After shahadah the first pillar of Islam is salah (5 daily prayers). Since I originally belong to a small city of Turkiye and lived my childhood in a Muslim community, it was easier for me to understand that prayer is a very important part of a Muslim life. But regularity and focus in salah are two totally different tasks.

My experience about the focus is going a bit spiritual and a bit scientific, as I am blessed to be surrounded by people who are good in both religious and non-religious educational backgrounds. Again, let me tell you whatever I am writing down is a personal experience of an ordinary Muslim (this article is not a religious education but an experience). Though it is taken from what was taught by my teacher to me. I noted the references from our talks so shared some of them.

So, here are few points which were proved of a greater value for me in building my prayer connection:

All times will not be the same as the mental capacity and moods of human are variable. But we feel or not, don't leave the prayer anyways. I don't leave eating and drinking water any day so how i may miss the opportunity to meet & say thanks to my loving Rab.

Don't expect perfection but try your best ( it's actually worked for me in all matters )

Learning Arabic of Quran does help, as well as efforts for achieving a fair accent too is helpful to concentrate.Although, It will not happen that despite understanding ayaat, every time you will concentrate on words ( which is the goal ideally ) but with a fair accent of qiraa, my attention remain in words and my voice, I do not get busy at least in outside affairs.

If we have a place to pray alone when not in congregational prayer, it is always good to pray in this much voice which you can listen yourself. This strategy greatly help the attention to be in the Quran words and qiraa instead of wandering out in fantasy world. (please take care about, not to disturb anyone while reciting in loud voice, when you are with others praying, working or sleeping around you)

Consider that you are reciting it directly to ALLAH. It's actually our conversation to ALLAH. Making the reading beautiful by effort, listen your voice, do you like it reciting? If yes, insha ALLAH, ALLAH will like it too. How lovely is the idea that ALLAH will like our voice reading Quran❤️

Including newly learned ayaat in salah will also help to stay away from automation, which kills the connection. It is actually normal that when we read same prayer daily it is converted into an automatic action which does not have any soul. Let’s try our best to revive our prayers by memorising and reading new ayaat.

Sunnah prayers before fard are often great to build the brain chemicals ready to connect. If you can, keep enough time for salah, do not be in hurry. It is also very important!! Giving the salah it's deserved time.

Moreover you need to be comfortable and looking great before starting salah.

Freshen up, if possible brush your teeth, brush your hair.

Dress up in presentable, clean and comfortable dress.

Adjust for a room temperature which is comfy and moderate. Make a good light in place. If the room is in mess try to get it in a reasonable shape at least in your front.

Be hydrated. It's always good to pray leaving all work but exception is if you are hungry, eat something to keep you energetic till you finish. If your sugar level is dropping you cannot concentrate anything anyway.

These will help in your focus inside the prayer rather than getting out of focus in all above mentioned affairs and even more.

Regain the focus whenever you are reminded, it's never too late to go back to ALLAH, He is our always loving & welcoming Rab, Alhumdullilah.

Reciting ta’wooz has greatly helped me regaining and retaining my concentration.

Please add the tips in comments to help me and others if you like to share what helped you in this regard. All the best in your salah connection 😊

Adam Muhammad Souvere

A proud Converted Muslim who is learning from life, brilliant & kind people around me, and indeed all by Allah’s blessing.

Life is a teacher and we are here to learn and improve.


The Friends in Faith


Learning in a Harder Way