Learning in a Harder Way

Difficult moments in life give us worthy lessons that we otherwise may not take.

In the mystery of life what ALLAH has written for us, cannot be imagined at many times. This event is one of those that caused me to understand life and belief much better.

Learning in a harder way - cover

I was traveling for my work event for an Irish destination. After finishing up I had 2 days extra to enjoy my time, so I went to meet my college buddy living in the beautiful countryside near a small town. The place was like a part of heaven and getting the traditional hospitality of my hometown far away from home was so refreshing.

I drove to the town myself in a rented car so I left early after fajr salat to reach the airport in the afternoon.

On the way back, I felt a bit lazy so just wanted to park on the side of the road to take some tea which my friend packed. I was a bit slower when suddenly a fast-moving van hit my driving side, my car was dragged and dropped on the side of the road facing the opposite way.

I saw it all happen and then found myself in pain. The door was broken and was all on my arm. It was all green trees and almost dark there. After a few minutes, I started to feel sleepy, nauseated, and dizzy. My headache was killing me. My brain got frozen. I remembered my mobile was on my side I can listen to it, it’s still playing Sura ArRahman. On chasing it by sound, it looked partially damaged.

I was sweaty, tired, and wanted to sleep now. I can feel wet on my arm but am unable to move. My mobile auto-stopped when Surah finished. I tried to make a call. With a shattered screen, it was working but there was no SIM detected. Tried again and again making emergency calls but had no success. I got a nap then, my brain was in a foggy condition randomly thinking. I remembered my dear ones my mother, family, friends, and colleagues.

Again I tried to make an emergency call but no luck. With a wrong tap phone’s photo gallery was open. My recent smiles were there, my loving memories, I saw a glance at screenshots of past Quran lessons. My foggy brain was wandering, what was it about? My teacher told me that ALLAH guides the heart from His Rahmah. The trials are from Him and the guidance is from Him as well.

Two cars passed by me but did not stop. My brain was wandering in the voice of my teacher without intentions, she said, “One who believes in ALLAH, ALLAH guides him, He guides from Himself. There is no guidance except His guidance, except Him no one can guide anyone”. Where is my guidance? thinking it, I went to sleep and then woke up. The mobile slipped off from my hands while I slept. My heart cried with pain, Ya ALLAH guide me I believe in you. Guide my heart. Guide my brain. ya ALLAH!

Learning in a harder way - ayat all calamity reaches us with permission from ALLAH
Learning in a harder way - ayat whoever believes in ALLAH will get the guidance

Closing my eyes, randomly I touched with my free hand the controls of the car and kept on pressing buttons. This is not my car. “Is this having any emergency help?” One car passed but did not stop. I tried to shout but I felt very exhausted. The headache was too much, I kept on pressing randomly all the controls accessible. Doing all this I went to sleep again, The last thing I heard was a loud noise which I could not understand.

When I woke up next the environment was well lighted. It doesn't look like a grave to me. On my side, I saw a drip and felt a comfortable bed on my back. My pain was better. Alhamdulillah.

Learning in a harder way - learning point from this Ayat

Later I was told a family on the road searched and found me because my car's emergency alarm was on. The car was not visible from the road as the roadsides were at a lower level and the area was all full of green trees and bushes.

They kindly brought me to the nearest hospital, may ALLAH bless them every moment. I got a minor head injury and fractured the bone of my arm. Saved by the great grace of ALLAH. Indeed ALLAH sends the trials and He guides the hearts in need. He is the only One who guides. He is the only One who can.

Learning in a harder way - learning definition from lessing
Adam Muhammad Souvere

A proud Converted Muslim who is learning from life, brilliant & kind people around me, and indeed all by Allah’s blessing.

Life is a teacher and we are here to learn and improve.


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