Breaking The Chain of Negativity

Life is a perfect plan of ALLAH for our trial, so that He may see who performs better and so try to prove themselves eligible for everlasting goodness.

When we all are together in this well-planned trial and have the same status of being examined, it is a better idea to support and help each other.

We go through different scenarios and meet different types of people in our daily routines.

I am a young entrepreneur working as a quality control head on a prestigious university campus. Less than a couple of months to go an experience impressed me, so I thought to share it with all of you.

My workplace colleagues are multicultural, multilingual, and multi-religion people. I love to work with all of them but one day I faced a rude talk from someone senior at work, I remained quiet but he talked a lot to me over my “no” for a work-related suggestion, he included that since he has supported me (in past as a senior colleague) so I should obey him (for what I feel right or wrong).

Isn't it relatable to many of us? Unfortunately yes. I did not have anything to say though I wanted to tell him and everyone in the same situation (on either side) that the reward of kindness is from God. It’s not justified to expect it from human beings and if you are good enough to be kind, be kind enough to carry that till you get the reward.

smile , chain of negative, be kind to yourself and others

After work it was time for my Quranic language class, my teacher felt I was less enthusiastic than usual and showed a low level of participation. After our brief learning session ended, she asked me what about my lazy mind. I briefly told my mentor why my mind was restless. She softly said, “That’s sad but”, “it will be sad if you allow the power of negativity goes on to surround yourself.”

Then in a very subtle way, she said Let’s have a look at an ayah today to practice what we learnt in last week and Ayah was:

chain of negative 2nd ayah, wa la tastawi alhasana wa la sayyiat idfa bilatti hiya ahasan
chain of negative 3rd, ayah , not equal are the good deeds and bad deeds

After giving us the grammar and linguistics of Ayah she gave us a brief yet very pleasant extract from Rumi’s 40 rules of love, which is a teaching by his respectful teacher Shams Tabraiz ( may ALLAH have mercy on both of them).

chain of negative rumi quote from 40 rules of love

I tried applying it in my life and was truly amazed with the results, if you like it please give it a practical try, believing that whatever ALLAH says to us, is all true and based on wisdom.

Adam Jones Souvere

Life is a teacher and we are here to learn and improve.


Learning in a Harder Way


Quran is Our Friend in Need