The Expensive Kindness

My dear readers are my companions in every step of my conversion journey from a common man to ALLAH's obedient servant. (May ALLAH make all of us that. Aameen)

As a converted Muslim I am seeing life from different coloured glasses. The perspective of life changes to the opposite and the things that once were very important are no longer convincing to get much attention.

But let me share honestly that I felt vulnerable in many moments, by these rapidly changing scenarios. More haunted is that it's not only myself who is changing but, the way everyone looks at me is also getting a dramatic change.

I am lucky enough to have a workplace that took care of my well-being in this tough time. There were no issues for me concerning the job security. Alhamdulillah. Otherwise, I notice many people on this journey who get either a hard time or a complete loss of their work. So I would say my challenges are much more bearable.

The thought-provoking days were few but they were painful.

That day we were interviewing in our office for an advertised post. The interview was online. Candidates were sent a written introduction through a prior email to whom they would meet that morning and also a brief overview of what they should expect. This is a way we follow, to save a few minutes and make them more comfortable in the process.

That candidate was asked to introduce himself at the start of the conversation. The initial talk was regarding his location, passions, current career, and reasons for interest in our organization, which went well. During the talk ahead, he was asked a few common questions about the subject and he seemed not ready for that.

During this session, he said something seemed incorrect so one of our teachers while the friendly discussion happening advised me to bring out the reference, just to make things clear for all of us. We have a good collection of books and ebooks/internet access with us in our office to get accurate references as we need to confirm or correct ourselves all the time. Before anything I did, he said "Ohh this is your converted Muslim employee! How would he know he is not an original Muslim".

I can't decide if the way he said was bigger or his words, but for sure his attitude made me feel uncomfortable. I felt my heart racing with embarrassing emotions. (you ……?Fake Muslim)

After a few moments of shocked silence, my teacher spoke. She told him politely in a very composed tone

"We all have heartful respect for the companions of our beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم. They put in their best efforts to make Islam higher up. They remained with the Prophet ﷺ with all their hearts and souls. They loved and respected our honorable Prophet and his commands more than their own selves, their families, and their careers. Many of them migrated and left all wealth and comfort behind. They were the best people of Islam ever, many get the assurance of Jannah in their lives.

They gave their best efforts to learn Islam. Everything was totally new for them after living their past lives without Islam. Most of the companions, especially the early ones who gained the greatest rewards, were converts and learned Islam from point zero, as a new chapter of their lives.

There is no way we may compare with them but there is no way we can disown or give lesser respect to our new brothers in Islam. They are ‘ours now’ no matter who they were. This migration of religion may make them superior to us but not in any way inferior. We are here to help each other to get ilm, to rise and shine together.

❤️ If anyone can visualize the melting of the heart, I saw my heart at that moment. Alhamdulillah - for every blessing.

In the garden of life, there are flowers of all the different kinds and there are some thorns. We all can make a thoughtful effort to be a means of comfort, peace, and calm for others.

Adam Muhammad Souvere

A proud Converted Muslim who is learning from life, brilliant & kind people around me, and indeed all by Allah’s blessing.

Life is a teacher and we are here to learn and improve.


The Friends in Faith