The Blind Hearts

Assalam Alaikum, this experience is specially meant for everyone regardless of age, who thinks that learning the Quran in depth for non-arab Muslims is just an option.

I am an educated housewife and mother of 4 kids one of them has graduated from university and the other one is about to do next year in sha Allah.

We belong to a generation that has seen a variety, right from the no computer, no mobile letter writing era to a paperless, penless mobile & personal tab era.

What does not change for parents is our traditional approach to the book of ALLAH.

For me, it didn't change until I met someone who just by the way told me during a lively chit-chat about the Arabic roots and verb patterns, which they were learning, and how beautifully it was applied on one of very common quranic ayah which I heard and read maybe thousands of time in my life. I suddenly realized a new depth and meaning of that ayah which was almost different to what I always perceived while reciting it every week.

A new horizon of thought opened to me that day. I belong to a so-called ‘highly educated’ family.

With due apologies to my parents who are both high caliber professionals in their respective fields.

Growing up, the only worry for my parents was I would make a successful career if not more but at minimum equal to them and of my other family members.

After I achieved that, the only worry I saw on my mom's face, may ALLAH give her peace in Jannah, was to marry me into a highly reputed caliber family.

We are not only educated but have high religious values, strict values limited to reading salat, Quran, and azkar in time.

But the message of that book was hidayah…… to whom? Not for me as I don't understand it fully. Why? It's not in my language, but hold on, I got all my education in a language that was not my language. How do I use that 2nd language so well?

Partial knowledge is sometimes just an assumed knowledge. What is even more dangerous is feeling our knowledge enough, then justifying it & portraying it as perfect to ourselves and others around us.

I felt suffocated as if I was in the grave when I imagined what I would say when my children asked me on the big day why I did not make them well familiar with the ilm of the Quran so that they could apply it in their lives. This was their basic right.

My parents can be excused for short resources but what about me, the parents of my blessed generation and the later ones...…

Ayat of ignorance signs for blog of the blind hearts
TLN co-author

A member from TLN family who took time to share and care.


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