The Migrating Birds

Birds migrate every year for a favorable environment to make growth possible and meet the nurturing needs of the family.

Human migrations are bigger long-term decisions, but the goals for families are similar.

Yes, let’s talk today about another side of glorious emigration.

I am a Muslim who belongs to a well-known European family. Living as a minority in your own native country is a different kind of experience. My father was blessed by the Noor of Islam in his early 40s, i was 10 years old at that time, the little girl of the family with a brother elder to me, who decided to follow his religion as before.

The first price we paid for it, was a broken family.

My father was a great support and tried his best to not disturb my life.

He taught me the basics of new religion too and at 18 years of age, I opted to be a Muslim, by my own will.

Now, while looking back, despite all the family sorrows we faced, the blessing of being a Muslim is still a pure joy. No support can compare to the supported feelings of Allah at my side. Alhhamdolillah. This comfort and peace is priceless.

Presently in my early 50s, I am having a Muslim teenage son and a perfect career, to count on my account.

Probably like every worried parent, I do think a lot. Things have changed very fast around us. Almost every day I see Muslim families emigrating to European states like ours, from their Muslim homelands. There are days when I greatly wonder about this decision they made in life.

the migrating birds, story of human migration and emigrations

War and hunger may be valid reasons, for those who would like to leave a Muslim environment and live as a Muslim minority with limitations in place.

Do they believe in the myth of equality?

Do they believe in the myth of superior home training, even in today’s time?

I am unable to estimate, how can they overlook such a huge blessing they have by birth.

Also how they can ignore the powerful impact of a broad environment in our children's upbringing. After all, we cannot open a school, high school, and university at our home together.

The other side of the story is mine, I have secured with years of hard efforts, a decent job in my profession in a Muslim country, and looking forward to emigrating soon.

Yes, I have been a native European for the last several generations, but now! My biggest dream is to see my son, a faithful Muslim, stronger than me at least.

Also to see my grandchildren with the noor of emaan, living in a simple place.

I tried to choose the passport to paradise instead of my powerful passport. May Allah help us and all others who stuck in such life decisions, due to any reason.

.Post has been rephrased in some places to make it easier to understand

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The Blind Hearts