Recognize It
This blog section highlights an important aspect of our daily life.
We all know Shaitan is our enemy, ALLAH told us this fact many times in the Quran.
In the Quran and the words of Sunnah dua, we often see the practice of seeking refuge from Shaitan and the Self (nafs).
The first step to prevent any harm from the enemy is to Recognize it.
We get different types of evil invitations daily; some techniques are old and proven, and others are new and on a trial basis.
We are often aware of it but unable to focus at that moment.
Why don’t we talk about recognizing such invitations to become more ready to deal with them?
Maybe we underestimate the network and abilities of Shaitan & co as an enemy.
As we have grown up over the years, they also did, and as ALLAH said they see us from a place where we cannot see them (plus point for their side)
How much ever intelligent we are, Shaitan assigned to us would also be accordingly wise and intelligent.
But, they have limitations, they don’t have any powers over us (Alhamdulillah) as ALLAH stated in his declaration in Surah Al Ibrahim.
He cannot force us but, he can just invite us.
(plus point for our side)
Not only the Shaitan but “our Nafs”, our mental distress times and complex emotional status also misguide us at times. This also needed to be recognized as the potential enemy, and their invitations also needed to be noticed.
The emotions of anger, jealousy, superiority/inferiority complexes and common behavioral abnormalities will be explained in easy words, to be recognized and guided in the hope of improvement.
Focus a bit on these Invitations, Recognize them at the same moment, and manage your reaction to them.
This is the key to success, which will insha ALLAH, help us reach our dream destination, our Jannah. (aameen)

How to Deal with Paranoia
Paranoia predominantly consists of the triad :
1) Helpless suspicious behavior
2) Abnormal reactions
3) Non-Healing emotions
Let us go through the practical tips to take care of paranoia when it lives with us or one of our dear ones.

The termites of Impressed Awe (Part 2 )
In continuation of our talk from part 1 of the article, it is most important to recognise this disease as a disease. We think of it as something small and something normal, although it is not. These feelings of impressed awe are eating our brain potentials as termites eat the wood. It is eating our dignity and our confidence as a Ummah. The first step is to recognise it and then to train ourselves to take every good thing as a blessing from ALLAH. Hamd and wow impressions should be only for ALLAH and simple compliments for good characters of humans. Appreciating others is not a part of being influenced.

The termites of Impressed Awe (Part 1 )
Fantasies, love and admiration in life changes with the age in younger people and there are specific patterns of admiration in adult life, for each person.
To what extent these seeds of admiration remain healthy and at what boundary it become unhealthy. This is very very important to recognise.
Difference exists between simple admiration and the heart which is in awe blindly for something or someone. First one can be ignored to say as normal but the second one is a disease. A termite which is eating healthy brain potentials. We belong to ummat al wasat and everything which disbalances the correct order of life does not go well with our principles.

Training Our Brains for Right
An already known fact written by Elif Bright , a young lady who is researching on "Quran- Language and Learning" as a professional project. Let us look into this well known concept with a new perspective.

Victim Mentality Feeds from Shaitan
Recognise it is the series of articles pointing out to recognise the tricks of shaitan for deceiving us.
Today's topic is about healing and repair ourselves with our own efforts from all trauma and grief. Don't let shaitan slow you down in your life's motivations saying that ohhh you, you suffered this much, sit back and act a victim. Welcome ALLAH’s blessings of healing and repair of heart by passing time, now; it’s time to move forward trusting in ALLAH.

Let the hopes fly freely
A heart warming message from the pen of a psychologist with love and care for all of us, Don’t let hopes die in any situation, recognise the tools of shaitan and be active in this competition with him, YOU HAVE TO BE A WINNER…..

Whatever is your Mood, Don’t Pour it on Your Parents, except “the love”
One of the most common strategy of shaitan is to say they won’t do anything (out of love) so let’s feel free to make them a punching bag

Learn from your last Step & Check the next
It is alway important in life to make correct decision at correct time…
From Golden History of Muslims
The Stronger Momin