As Salam alaikum wa Rahmat-Allahe wa barakatuhu everyone.
I’m a mother of two daughters. They are 11 and 13 now. Reading short prophet stories at bedtime is what I had practiced with both of them when they were growing up.
It has helped them not to be obsessed and over-fascinated by the superheroes the world introduced them to. For them, the benchmark to be a role model is too high.
Also, it has ingrained the faith in Allah’s mercy in their hearts. There is a lot to learn from these stories like taqwa and sabr. So instead of reading fictional fairy tales ( that give them a false picture of living happily ever after in life) we rather introduce them to true prophet stories (that teach them the real struggles of a believer and how to manage the tests and trials of life)
May Allah guide and help us all in raising a generation In Shaa Allah our Prophet will be proud of!! Ameen.
This Heartful Blog page Intro written by : Fatima Faisal
Homemaker, Nutritionist.
Passionate about baking, crochet and gardening

Story of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) Part 4
It is the last (4th) part in the series “Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis salat o wassalam” concluding and extracting the major learning point from his life. May ALLAH grant us blessings from our Prophets' company, and may we be able to learn, adapt, and follow their noble characters. aameen.

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 3)
This part of the story glances at the Prophet Ibrahim (alaihis salato wassalam) as a family person who was tested about his emotions and he got full marks in all the examinations as he always kept ALLAH at number one.

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 2)
This series of Stories from the life of our father Ibrahim alaihis salat o wassalam is for our immense learning from his life and his ways of dealing with everything. The life of our father Ibrahim (as) is an example of the firm path going toward ALLAH, full of tests, sacrifices, and ultimately success.
This is part 2 of this series related to 'Dealing with an Elder” Ibrahim AS has given in the way of ALLAH by leaving his father, his nation, and his homeland because of our deen Islam and our faith Tawheed.

Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 1)
Along with our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ we all have a strong affectionate connection with our Father Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salat o Wassalam , whom we send salat o salam with our Prophet ﷺ in every prayer.
Ibrahim alaihis salam has got a life of lifelong struggle and He has an absolutely solid faith, ALLAH has given Him the status of “Khaleel” which means “the very near, secret holder friend”
This series of stories about His life is to help us learn from His teachings and His life, which has many jewels of learning indeed for all of us. Let us learn what was the supremacy of character that Prophet carry, by whom ALLAH has always given us examples as the role model in our Quran. SubhanALLAH.

Prophet Saleh (A.S.)
Prophet Saleh alahe salat o wassalam was a prophet of ALLAH towards a powerful and blessed nation of Thamud, they used to live in the abundance of blessings from ALLAH, so they forgot the One who blessed them. Prophet Saleh AS lived with them throughout his life of 100+ years but the people made excuses, upon their demand the prophet prayed for the miracle of the she-camel, which ALLAH gave them too, but they chose to be not thankful even then. Their behavior with the prophet had become worse and they killed the she-camel by clear wrongdoing, which led to ALLAH’s anger, striking them as the worst earthquake ruined everything except the prophet AS and followers.

Prophet Hud (A.S.)
Prophet Hud alahe salat o wassalam is among the 5th generation of Prophet Nuh alaihis salam, He is the Prophet towards the nation of aad who thought no one is more powerful in the world than they are and forget ALLAH while saying this……

Prophet Nuh (A.S.)
Patience and submission to ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala are most prominent lessons from the strong personality of Prophet Nuh (as)

Prophet Idris (A.S.)
Prophet Idris A.S. was a prophet immediately after our father Prophet Adam A.S. and His son Sheth A.S. (brother of Habil and Qabil)
Learning point from Seerat & Hadith un Nabi (saww)
Learning point from Ayat