Prophet Hud (A.S.)

Prophet Hud alaihis salat o wassalam is among the 5th generation of Prophet Nuh AS, He is the Prophet towards the nation of Aad who thought, ‘no one is more powerful in the world than they are’ and forgot ALLAH while saying this.

prophet Hud AS cover

Aad used to live in Ahqaf, a very popular place in Arabia at that time and their city name is mentioned as Irem in Quran. This is an area near Aden in present-day Yemen and Oman. The land was very fertile, having lush green valleys and gardens with livestock grazing all around. The Aad had even built mansions by the rivers and they were enjoying their life with all the blessings of ALLAH without thanking Him. They built luxury tall pillar homes often carved out of stone with lush gardens and nice pools. It was a dazzling city. The Quran says that the town was never created in any land. (Surat l-Fajr (The Dawn)(89:8)) . Between these gifts of ALLAH they forgot HIM and started to think of themselves as superior powerful and stronger without any right. ALLAH by His mercy, sent Prophet Hud AS to bring them back to the straight path.

prophet HUd started the dawah for qaum e aad and continued for long time tirelessly

The Aad worshipped idols that they had made. They denied any other life after their life. They did not give any importance to the message of ALLAH and over that, they started to mock Prophet Hud Alahes Salat o waSalam and the minority of people who believed in the message.

“The elite of his people who disbelieved said, ‘We see foolishness in you, and we think that you are a liar’” (Al-Araf, 7: 66)

Hud AS was deeply saddened by his people’s reaction, but for a long period, He kept on trying to bring them to ALLAH’s oneness and leave false gods. Meanwhile, ALLAH gave them several hardships and a long famine so that they may repent and return to ALLAH. However, they became more stubborn instead and asked Hud AS to bring the punishment to them.

“They said, ‘Have you come to turn us away from our gods? Then bring us that with which you threaten us, if you are (one) of the truthful.’” (Al-Ahqaf, 46: 22)

After nothing worked for them, They sent a group to Makkah to pray for rain. But ALLAH has already declared the decision of their punishment to Prophet Hud AS. Before long, the heavy clouds began to gather.

qaume aad when they saw cluds thought that it will rain but it was ALLAH's anger for them

Our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ whenever used to see rain clouds gathering he sought refuge from ALLAH’s punishment for His Ummah and remembered this Ayah when Aad was happy to see clouds although it was their painful end by ALLAH’s anger. (Muslim, Bukhari)

May ALLAH keep away all of us from the slightest of the anger of ALLAH. aameen.

Hud AS when ALLAH sent barren winds to qaume aad

The strong and powerful Aad with their beautiful, full of beauty and delights city of Irem was destroyed by strong winds and storm. Those were winds that destroyed everything in one go.

“It was imposed upon them for seven nights and eight days in succession, so you would see the people there fallen as if they were hollow trunks of palm trees”.(Al-Haqqa, 69:7).

Prophet Hud AS ayat when aad got destroyed Hud AS and companions was kept safe

At this destructive and painful punishment to Aad, Prophet Hud AS migrated to Hadhramaut a place at present Saudi-Yemen joining area, and lived his life in peace with the believers, making them stronger and better in ALLAH’s path.

Consistency and a firm belief in ALLAH are the lessons from the personality of Prophet Hud AS, who did his prescribed task from ALLAH to his best. It is also important to notice that the efforts in the right way are more important than the results because the effort is in our hands and the results are according to the will of ALLAH: our all-powerful, all-knowing Rab.

lesson learnt from prophet Hud and qaum of Aad destruction

Prophet Saleh (A.S.)


Prophet Nuh (A.S.)