Prophet Nuh (A.S.)

Prophet Nuh is considered the longest-living Prophet of all. He was with his people and has preached them with compassion for 950 years. Those people were extremely rigid and they used to mock their Prophet. They used to ask him to bring the punishment of ALLAH earlier to them (astaghfirullah)

His determination for ALLAH's message and tolerance towards his people were amazing.

When ALLAH decided to punish his nation, ALLAH subhanahu ta'ala instructed him to make a boat and when it was completed, be ready to leave his place on the advised date & time. According to the order he made the boat.

Dua of Noah AS which he asked while start his journey on boat

And Nuh (Alahais salat o wassalam) said, "Sit down in it; in the name of Allah is its sailing and its reaching. Indeed, my Rab is Forgiving and Merciful."

He received an order from ALLAH to leave with believers and 1 pair of all of the animals so that they would be rescued by ALLAH's mercy. The non-believers had to drown in the flood.

Nuh (Noah) arc, with the pairs of animal rescued

Among Prophet Nuh(as)'s own family, his wife was destined to be drowned which he knew (from ALLAH) but one of the sons, was also among the wrongdoers, about whom only ALLAH knew. And indeed ALLAH knows about every heart.

When Prophet Nuh(as) saw the son among the drowning people, he most respectfully asked ALLAH about this. Think about a father's disappointed heart seeing his son dying with the sinners. But he kept his calm and respect, saying that ALLAH's promise is true and HE is the supreme of all the decision-makers.

ALLAH responded to him that the conduct of your son was not righteous and advised him, not to ask for matters about which he does not know. Nuh (AS) did not want the real loss ie ALLAH’s anger to him. So, He immediately asked for forgiveness.

prayer (dua) of Nouh AS when he asked mercy and forgiveness of ALLAH

He asked for ALLAH's endless mercy and forgiveness, without any delay. His way of submitting to ALLAH’s decision was an absolutely wonderful lesson for all believers. ALLAH Subhanahu wa ta’ala has written Salam for him in the Quran. What an honour!!

dua of forgiveness and raham from Allah by prophet Nuh aalahes salam

Think about if we lose small things we start to blame and complain about ALLAH and sometimes even dare to ask why He did this to me. Such reactions make us far away from the traits of true believers, who trust ALLAH in all decisions whether they like them or not.

lesson learnt from story of Nuh (Noah) AS

Surat Hud (Hud) (11:25 to 11:48), Surat l-Safat (Those Ranges in Ranks) (37:79),

Surat l-Ankabut (The Spider) (29:14).


Prophet Hud (A.S.)


Prophet Idris (A.S.)