Prophet Idris (A.S.)
Prophet Idris (alahais salato wassalam) was the first Prophet after our Father Prophet Adam (a.s.) and his son Sheth (a.s.). He was among the fifth generation of Prophet Adam (a.s.)
After the death of Shiyth (a.s.), the people lost guidance.
This was the time when sin and corruption were increasing rapidly.
Prophet Idris (a.s) could not see his people to be under the influence of shaitan.
With Allah’s command, Prophet Idris called for Jihad and got success over the Shaitan forces.
He was a Man of Knowledge & Wisdom
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Allah has a fond love for the true person.
He was so worried about the guidance of his people that he wanted to delay his death by requesting the angel of death in 4th sky, but when he reached there with another friend angel, the angel of death was surprised to see him as ALLAH commanded him to take Prophet Idris soul at 4th sky and he was wondering how it will happen.
SubhanALLAH, he was elevated at a higher place in paradise by ALLAH.
Let’s try our best to share all good things especially the gift of knowledge and guidance, with someone around us.
1)‘Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah’ (The Beginning and the End) which is a great work of the famous Muslim exegete and historian Ibn Kathir. 2) Tarikh al-rusul wal-muluk by Ibn Jarīr al-Ṭabarī 3) Al-Sīrah al-Nabawiyyah (السيرة النبوية), by Ibn Ishaq