Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 1)

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 1)- cover image

Along with our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ we all have a strong affectionate connection with our Father Prophet, Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salat o Wassalam, to whom we send salat o salam with our Prophet ﷺ in every prayer.

Ibrahim alaihis salat o wassalam has got a life of long struggles and He has an absolutely solid faith. ALLAH has given Him the status of “Khaleel” which means “the very near, secret holder friend”. Quran narrates several happenings related to Prophet Ibrahim alaihis salam which have lots for us to think about, learn, and implement in our lives.

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 1)- ayah surah al Anaam , like that we have shown Ibrahim the kingdoms of heavens and earth

Ibrahim Alaihis salat o wassalam was the son of Azar who was a prominent person in the place where the nation worshiped false gods and idols. From his early childhood, Ibrahim alaihis Salam was not involved in this worship and rather he felt it funny and weird, that how his people could call god to such idols who cannot help themselves either. This shows us how intelligent he was as a young fellow. ALLAH has chosen him to teach and be a guide to nations, not only his own nation but all the nations to come into the world after him.

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 1)- ayah surah al Anam - when Ibrahim seen the star kawkab

Ibrahim Alaihis salam knew that God is the “One” who can help everyone but does not need any help for Himself, the One who is authority for everyone and who is not under any authority or any order. The One who is always present. He does not get down as the sun and moon or disappears as the stars. He absolutely rejected the idea of worshipping anything with these above characteristics, in front of his disbeliever nation with a very smart demonstrative technique.

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 1)- surah anaam ayah - when Ibrahim as seen moon - qamar

He showed to the nation with the help of it, that nothing which is not permanent and under the order of someone else can be a God. Also, a God cannot be a part of a system made by someone.

God is the only ‘One’ who is always superior (not having phases of up and down), always present (to listen and to help when asked), and always a top authority (who is the Creator of all systems and not a dependant part of any system).

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 1)- ayah surah al Anaam - when Ibrahim as seen sun - shams

He also showed the nation that the physical existence of ALLAH ( The Only True God ) cannot be compared. His light is not comparable with any other light. He is the One who cannot be perceived by the human eye, so how He can be compared? he compared the sun that it is with greater light than the moon and stars altogether.

ALLAH’s noor is not something ordinary like the objects in His system of the universe. He is the who One cannot be seen physically but His strong powerful presence can be felt every single moment.

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 1)- concluding ayah surah Al Anaam - I turn my face to true and only God and I am not of those who do shirk with ALLAH

Our Father Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam’s conclusion of the demonstration is absolutely strong and beautiful. Alone in that nation of disbelievers, he declared in clear words that he rejects all things, putting everyone aside and he belongs to only and only ALLAH who is the Creator and the Owner of everything in existence.

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 1) -lessons to learn

Rejection of every small and big thing in life, seems more/equally important than ALLAH, is the sunnah of our Father. A single sentence to define the lesson from the life of Prophet Ibrahim alaihis salat o wassalam is “Keep ALLAH and our relation with ALLAH at the top priority of life.” All the things and relations will be at their correct places if only we can make this one arrangement.


Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 2)


Prophet Saleh (A.S.)