Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 2)

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 2) dealing with an elder who is not on right side

As we know from our knowledge of the earlier part of his story, Ibrahimؑ's father was a renowned man who was closely involved in making idols and had a prominent government position due to his job skills. His conversation with his father starts in the Quran as an indirect simple question “My beloved father! Why do you worship that (idols) which does not hear and does not see and will not benefit you at all?” Then Ibrahimؑ tries to convince him softly:” O My dear father, indeed there has come to me (some of) knowledge that has not come to you, so follow me; I will guide you to a straight path.

He was truly concerned about his father’s betterment in this life and the life of hereafter.

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 2) - conversation of Ibrahim AS to his father

We have seen the love of Ibrahim AS for his father, in his words and also in his actions. This is the correct way to love our parents. Either way alone is not enough. Love for parents and our elders needs practical and verbal expressions at all times.

Ibrahimؑ tried his best to convince him by repeating again and again the invitation to true God’s path, in different smarter ways. He continued his efforts to save his father from ALLAH’s anger and punishment.

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 2) - Ibrahim AS fear for father's punishment

His father heard this clear statement against the false gods, and for the first time, he realized that ‘the boy is not focused on the false gods.’ He wondered if he was really serious about abandoning all the gods of his forefathers. Once the father concluded that Ibrahimؑ was truly against his nation’s worship practices, his father told him to leave the house and stay away from him, for a long long period.

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 2) - Ibrahim 's father reaction to his invitation of truth

Leaving home in that period was not only leaving a place of living but also leaving all companions, all the past we can say as communications were limited. Nation’s power and support were a bigger factor in life at that time. But ALLAH was sufficient for Prophet Ibrahimؑ. The wonderful thing was, the young Ibrahim never lost his cool in the whole conversation, he remained calm and respectful. His tone continued to be loving till the last moment when he left his home.

Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 2) - reply of Ibrahim AS to father with patience

Dealing with an elder who is not doing the right actions, is a critical skill to learn. Our father, Prophet Ibrahim alaihis salato wassalam has presented us with brilliant examples to follow, with his actions.

We are the followers of Ibrahimؑ, we are here to learn from him and continue his legacy. Let’s not forget this, when we may one day be in a difficult situation with one of our elder beloved relationships.

Ibrahimؑ teaches us to be simple, humble, and loving. At the same time, say politely, only what is right!


Story of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 3)


Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salam (Part 1)