The Thankful Prayer

Prophet Sulaiman alahe salato wassalam was given the power and kingdom like no other in the world. He has a unique army; it is so interesting to know that among his soldiers were the jinn and men and the birds, and the animals.

Once they were marching in rows under Prophet (AS) command when they were in the valley of the ants, an ant said as a protective measure to her ants’ nation,

"O ants, go inside your living places so that you may not be crushed by Sulaiman (AS) and his soldiers will not even realize it."

Prophet Sulaiman alahe salato wassalam is blessed by ALLAH that he was able to understand the language of other creatures as clearly as of humans. When he listened to the ant saying this, his heart became filled with thanks and he instantly felt to say ALLAH his words of thanks and pray to him with the thankful heart.

This dua has a lovely environment and beautiful moments picturized in the Quran with a perfect combo of shukr and du'a.

This is the learning point for all of us to always make dua when we are in our glad moments and are blessed by ALLAH, because ALLAH loves the thankful hearts of His servants. He blesses even more when we show our hearts filled of thanks and tongues moist with words of His zikr.

May ALLAH keep us among His thankful and well doing blessed servants. aameen


Loving and Learning - Wonderful Dua of Prophet Musa (A.S.)


Dua of Firm Eeman