Dua of Firm Eeman

dua ya muqallab ul quloob sabbit qalbi ala denik cover

A beautiful yet complete dua to ask ALLAH for firmness and strength at our deen - ya muqallib al quloobi sabbit qalbi ala deenik. Read the hadith reference of this dua and the exact riwayah which tells us in prophetic ﷺ words how important it is to ask ALLAH the firmness in our eeman often.

Have a review on this beautiful dua alongwith the narrated Hadith, in words of Umm ul mo'mineen Syeda Umme Salama رضي الله تعالى عنها

dua ya muqallab ul quloob sabbit qalbi ala denik - hadith page 1
dua ya muqallab ul quloob sabbit qalbi ala denik - hadith page 2

May ALLAH bless us with firmness on His deen till our last breath. Aameen

May ALLAH accept from us - Aameen


The Thankful Prayer


Dua of Lasting Hidayah and Rahmah