Loving and Learning - Wonderful Dua of Prophet Musa (A.S.)

This dua of Prophet Musa alahis salato wassalam has 3 parts and every part is full of lessons for us. The genius Prophet Allahis Salam has intelligently yet lovingly asked ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala for all needed favors, teaching us the importance of asking in detail and yet pleasantly.

The first part is about asking ALLAH for all required provisions, whatever he needs to fulfill the task from ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala. ie going to Fir'aun and inviting him to the right path. That is by admitting about ALLAH that He only is Rab of all the worlds.

We learned that asking ALLAH anything big or small, some or many, either factual or just fear and insecurity, is okay. To our Rab who loves us and cares about us, any type of need we can tell and ask Him for. He listens to all our big, small, and tiny talks. Just it is needed to make a habit of detailed talks to ALLAH, like our wise Prophet Musa alaihis salat o wassalam used to do.

The second part is asking about family support. This part is full of love for his family and it is about saying ALLAH, I know you are always caring, with your support, please grant me by your perfect mercy, human support as well.

We ask for support from our nearer people. The people who are dear and near to us have the great ability to make us and break us. The support of family is one of the greatest blessings of ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala. So Musa alaihis salat o wassalm asked for it. Not only this he asked to share his responsibility with brother and so shared credit as well. This teaches us the names and credits are not important. Important is only achieving the task and the efforts on the way of achievement. Efforts are always better when they are shared with like minded supporting people.

He knew the families rise, shine, and bloom together. And this togetherness is like heaven on earth. May ALLAH bless us with loving family support as well.

3rd and the last part which is soaked with enthusiastic love of ALLAH. The desperate wish of doing His glorification and the fondness to take more and more time for remembrance of ALLAH.

A task which we perform with our heart's full affection, we always like to do with our loved ones so that we can be happy together in doing it and the warmth of the company will further enhance the beauty of the task. So Musa (alaihissalat o wassalm) wants to glorify and remember His Rab with his brother.

Another beauty of this dua is the detailing when asking ALLAH. Although Our Rab knows and sees everything clearly, we need to remember our status and our extent of need. Likewise, we should take time to ask ALLAH only, how Musa alaihis salat o wassalam asked ALLAH, by telling Him his all concerns, fears, and needs.

The last line is to admit and glorify ALLAH's care in life. Indeed our Magnificent Rab is ever-seeing and watchful to us in a very caring way.

إِنَّكَ كُنْتَ بِنَا بَصِيرًا Indeed, You are ever seeing for us.


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