The Peace ‘In’ & ‘Out’

peace and focus cover image

In today’s world we cannot avoid distractions as we are surrounded by several things around us to disturb our focus.

Our mobile phones

Sounds from cars on roadside

Sounds of people around especially when they are having tendency to be loud

Sounds of tv and internet

Sounds from miscellaneous sources.

We don't remember things and get easily forgetful due to lack of focus and multiple distractions around us.

To have a glance, let’s go back to the era of our beloved Rasulﷺ.

There are no cars, no trucks, no bikes, no phones, no mobiles, no tv, no ipods except the people talking and what else, yes the camels, goats, horses are having some metallic ornaments on their necks and we get voice from ground when they run or walk. There are fewer birds chirping here and there, so the noise level is almost 10% as compared to present time

The distractions are fewer but still heﷺ was looking for a high quality focus so he goes to Cave Hira to think deeply about life and the Creator of life.

The focus in the thought process is much important to be aware of one's inner self and truly identify the ONE who created us. This focus is to connect with HIM.

peace and focus, keep a short time to practice focus

SubhanALLAH heﷺ knows the power of focus and also the destructions of noise to thought process which destroys the harmony.

Science says now, a long duration of noise will gradually numb the brain abilities.

I know it is impossible to recreate that peace and serenity of environment around us but we can at least try to create a small space of peace at our comfort place, where we can practice to regenerate our torn apart focus and feel the moments of peace, even for a shorter duration in daily life.

It will heal our brains and refill positive energy in our connections.


Sajda as Shukr


Best of Ethics and Kindness for Everyone