Best of Ethics and Kindness for Everyone

Our beloved Rasul ﷺ was having best of moral values, ethics and deep kindness like no other towards all human being, without any differentiation, this is the quality which is called by ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala as Rahmatallil Aalameen.

This is his ﷺ advice for everyone in his ﷺ Ummah, to follow him in his ethical values.

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Anas bin Malik (ra) reported:

I served the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) for ten years, and by Allah, he never said to me any harsh word, and he never said to me about a thing as to why I had done that and as to why I had not done that.

We can analyse ourselves in this clean ethics mirror to know how much we are following him ﷺ, as love and respect for the Rasul ﷺ has to be proven by actions not only by words.

ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala has made the system of world like this that we will be helped when we help others. This is totally valid formula on wherever we live and belong.

We make relations around us, sometimes we wrongly think that these relations will be there to help us when we get any difficulty.

Let us refresh our thought on this one, no human can help us until ALLAH make him/her to do so and we will be helped, we will receive kindness from ALLAH and from the human means just as we show the kindness to our fellow humans.

moral and ethics hadith learning, raham on people to recieve mercy of ALLAH

This is a point to re-think our ethical values and relations and put some more dose of undifferentiated kindness in the equation to make world a better place and to make our own life a better one.

The kindness which is not for any other purpose except the purpose of receiving ALLAH’s mercy and His pleasure toward us. in shaa ALLAH.


The Peace ‘In’ & ‘Out’


Ilm has a greater value in Islam