Ilm has a greater value in Islam

Learning Ilm and sharing it or teaching it has a very noble values for a Muslim.

Learner who does effort for learning ilm is considered on the path of Jannah. ALLAH subhana-hu-t’ala makes the ways easier for us for the paradise.( Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2646 In-book reference : Book 41, Hadith 2)

What does it mean? The effort in the way of “the ilm”, which benefits ourselves and the others, is going to attract more positive thoughts, energy for good works and makes us be nearer to ALLAH. Isn’t it wonderful!!

So, next time when you are tired and stressed due to your home work or upcoming exam preparations, try to listen the angels telling you, you are doing great, don’t lose heart :)

The seeking noor of Quran and doing efforts for this superior ilm is even more appreciated for us. If we are doing it in any setup, we are trying to be among the best. May ALLAH help all of us in this effort. aameen.


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Muhammedﷺ: The Perfect Leader