Muhammedﷺ: The Perfect Leader

This Ayat in Quran showing us one side of our beloved Prophet’s (saww) personality and also giving us a clear picture of a refined and successful leader.

The quran ayat about qualities of a perfect leader , from seerah of Muhammad saww

All of us are leaders in life in our own capacity.

Either in one way or another. Some of us are elders to our siblings and are leader to them, or even we are the younger ones, than we are leader to our younger cousins, school fellows and colleagues

Sometimes we are leader as class monitor and other times we are leader in our friend’s circle.

Parents and teachers are clearly leaders to us the younger ones.

So all of us definitely want to know, how to be a leader, who can unite the team instead of dispersing and repelling the team members.

leadership qualities from seerah extracted and outlined

In the next sentence, ALLAH subhana-ho-t’ala told the last mentioned point, (Aal-i-Imran 159) And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him].


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