Sajda as Shukr

One of the most beautiful feeling ALLAH made for our hearts is “Shukr” (gratitude/being thankful).

sajda shukar cover page

This is a tradition of our beloved Prophet ﷺ that he performs sajda when he gets a happy news. There are many authentic ahadith available in this subject.

sajda shukar hadith

Shukr to ALLAH fills our heart with peace and this is way to happy life, which gradually teaches us to be thankful for everything and looking towards the positive aspects of life.

sajda shukar  presenting our shukr to ALLAH

In every moment, we have so many reasons to thanks ALLAH, His blessings are everywhere, in us and all around us. Being thankful is important but also to present that thanks to ALLAH in a best possible way is essential, reflecting our love & respect to HIM.

Prophetﷺ said “Praising ALLAH is the base of all the Thanks”. Alhamdulillah.

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : "الْحَمْدُللهِ رَأْسُ الشُّكْرِ *

(Mishkat al-Masabih 2307,Book 9, Hadith 81)

Shukr is sunnah of Rasul ALLAH ﷺ which we all love to revive, may ALLAH help us to be more and more grateful to Him. Ameen

Let’s be on path of Muhammadﷺ and make sajda for shukr our habit. This is a right time to be among the people of shukr & performing sujood us-shukar is an all time best way to present our thanks to ALLAH.


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