The 4 Dear Words for ALLAH

4 dearer words / dear phrases for ALLAH

Zikr of ALLAH is an honour for the servants who love HIM. When we love someone, we keep on to remember without any break, they continue to be on our minds.

Likewise is the love of ALLAH , the most high , the kind and loving Rab who provide us both material objects and emotional support for lifetime.

This beautiful hadith is from Sahih Muslim. It is very simple to understand and it is easier to implement in life as well.

4 dear kalam of ALLAH, subhanALLAH, alhamdulillah, la illaha illaALLAH, ALLAHo akbar

Simple yet powerful Hadith un Nabi ﷺ give us a reminder about our zikr goals, these 4 kalimat are more dearer to ALLAH subhanu taala and they are easy to include in our daily azkar, even while doing some other works we can give some time to them and get the honour of remembering ALLAH.

hadith of 4 dearer kalam for ALLAH translation english and urdu

The most worthy time in this life is while we remember ALLAH. Let’s become more particular about smaller opportunities of zikr. Don’t forget to include these simple azkar to daily life as they are more dearer to our Rab.


3 Sunnah Dua of Sajdah


Sajda as Shukr