The Relationship of the people of Jannah with their Rab
Translation is given below
This ayah of the Quran has a different view and different beauty in it.
This is showing us a glance at the future (let's make dua that it is our future. aameen ya Rab)
Bringing us a lovely view of the satisfied people of Jannah. (May Allah make us among them)
They would say "We used to repeatedly and all the time keep on calling Him ( our Rab ) and we find him al Barr (reliable to do mercy) and Ar Raheem (repeatedly, continuously merciful)
These 2 names of ALLAH look the same in superficial look but they are not. Things are deeper and beauty is hidden for the people who want to see.
Al Barr has a sense of reliability and fulfilling promise at its best. ALLAH subhanahu taala does not say him Al Barr in any other place but here He wants us to feel. To feel that deeper feeling of accomplishing the task and getting the promised reward. That reward is not Jannah but the honor to see, meet, and know our Loving ❤️ Rab in front of us and happy with our efforts. Alhamdulillah ✨️
The target of every one of us is that meeting. Focusing on the correct point makes the journey much easier and more meaningful.
Let's look at the story of people of jannah, starting from the past.
They were conscious of their Rab before, they used to think about Him while with the family at home and be aware of their Rab in everything they did. They were worried their Rahman and Raheem Rab would not be upset by any of their wrong act. This was the only important preference for them in dunya.
The relation of the people of Jannah has been painted here so clearly, precisely and beautifully, starting from this dunya to that fearless place of Jannah.
May ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala make us one of these people. Aameen ya Rab ur Raheem.