Bait Al Ankaboot

Bait Al Ankaboot - surah al ankaboot the spider

This ayah is an excellent example of parabole in the Quran. Parabole is that speech that expresses the resemblance of one thing to another, mostly of a different category. The depth of this ayah stuns us greatly.

Bait Al Ankaboot - ayah the weakest of homes is the home of spider, inna auhana albiyooti labait ul ankaboot

ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala is telling us that those people who ask and expect help from others than ALLAH and rely on others similar to the right of reliance that only belongs to our Rab, will not get any support. They will get support which will be as negligible as the house of spider which needs only a blow to destroy. The weakest support ever possible.

Bait Al Ankaboot - The reliance on help should be only towards ALLAH alone

The other side of this is, that the colorful luxuries, fantasies, and greater-looking supporters of this world are all false impressions of our eyes. This wonderland does not have any true strength except what and how long ALLAH wills. These fantasies are capturing us from all sides like the web of a spider. When we spread our hands to take their support, they will definitely break apart and make us fall with them.

Bait Al Ankaboot - there is no helper and supporter except ALLAH

The supports of this world are all deception and they are all fake. If we get any human help, it is also from ALLAH’s side and by His will. So, reliance on help should only be towards ALLAH alone. He is our only reliable helper and our only trustworthy supporter.

Bait Al Ankaboot - ayah of surat al ankaboot

An Ayah defining the Quran


The Relationship of the people of Jannah with their Rab