ALLAH loves the people of Ihsaan

What a lovely Ayah from Surat ale Imran, it is beautifully tells us what is our ultimate goal of conduct in this world.

ALLAH loves the people of tawakkal and the people of Ihsaan.

Why We mentioned tawakkal: The person who spends on people around him, only for ALLAH, in good and bad times. He knows very well that ALLAH is there on his back to always support him. Such a person does not fear losing money and being in hardship without resources.

This is the height of moral values which ALLAH wants to see in each one of us.

We cannot just read it and keep on doing whatever we like or whatever our internal drive of anger makes us do. If today I am reading this Ayah that’s mean:

This Ayah is for “Me”

I am answerable to obey it for myself.

I am not answerable to what other person did to make me angry, how wrong other one behaved, either by chance or by will, whatever the scenario, Ayah told me today;

1- To manage my anger (intentionally) and don’t hurt anyone else due to my anger.

How to manage ?: There are several ways, whichever suits the situation, but be determined, make neeyah to control it, and not make it a tool for spreading negativity.

For example: reciting أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم, drinking water, changing your posture, sitting down if standing or lying down if already sitting, in extreme situations excuse politely and leaving the place for some time and if anger continues for a prolonged period, channelize it in some high energy activity like sports or a soothing activity like walking, yoga etc. If nothing seems to work, ask for help from ALLAH, ask Him to cool you down and calm your heart, ask in your own language, and see how He helps you very soon.

2- To forgive people: Very very important to purify your thoughts and life of negative energy. Negative energy at first, hurts our own selves for sure, and then others. The best strategy is (forgive>learn>forget) i.e.: to forgive, take the lesson for your learning from it, and forget all negativity related to the event. Try doing this sequence and see how lighter you feel after obeying this ALLAH’s beautiful advice of al afoo’.

Ahsaan is doing everything in the best possible way, more than the baseline need of the task.

The tasks ALLAH has given us in this Ayah (managing the anger and forgiving people) are no doubt difficult and high-value tasks but the prize promised for it is the highest.

How about doing these and feeling the sweetest Love of ALLAH surrounding you, getting its peace and blessings in your life? Alhamdulillah.


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