Celebrating “The Quran”
An absolutely beautiful Ayah from Surahe Yunus (10:58)
اے نبیؐ، کہئے - یہ اللہ کا فضل اور اس کی رحمت ہے(كہ اس نے قرآن بھیجا)، تو انہیں چاہیے کہ اس پر خوشی منائیں، یہ ان سب چیزوں سے بہتر ہے جنہیں وہ سمیٹ رہے ہیں
In the context of this ayah ALLAH Subhanahu ta’ala is telling us about the talents of our book,
“O mankind, indeed came to you advise from your Rab,
and healing for what is in the breasts (our emotions, spirits, sorrows, plans & intentions)
and guidance and mercy for the believers. (yunus 10:57)
Did we noticed something obvious:
Our book came to “All the Mankind” but it is healing, guidance and rahmah for only believers. The believers are, who know Quran & believe in its healing effects from ALLAH.
How to collect and accumulate Quran is the question this Ayah brings us, there are ways in which we can do it.
1- Understand Quran in its own language.
2- Learning its deep words so that it will be accumulated deeper in our hearts.
3- Whatever we learn, make it a part of our daily life, in our thoughts, words and in our actions.
4- Apply and judge ourselves in this clean mirror of Quran ( it’s ayaat are to judge myself not to judge others, helping others is my job but judging them is ALLAH’s authority only).
5- Surround us with Quran in whatever way possible. Make it part of every time you have.
If reading is not possible listen it.
If listening is not possible, recite orally the words and ayaat you have memorised,
Do think about any ayah which you like or which was confusing or difficult, continue the thought process in between, while doing your daily works.
Discuss it with the people who have taste of the Quran learning. (surround yourself with people who have love for Quran is another way of connection)
6- Celebrating Quran - every year we have Ramadan which is a celebration of getting Quran, but how can we do it on more regular basis. Celebrate Quran, at family and close friends level, when one of you learnt or memorise a surah or completed tadabbur/tafseer of a surah or done with a short course related to Quran, treat them and yourself, a small treat, not to show pride but to feel the happy moment of achievement, in the way of collecting “our most valuable Quran”.