As Samad - The EverLasting Support

As Samad - The EverLasting Support - cover

As Samad is the One who supports and strengthens. This system of support is consistently working and there is no discontinuity, no low times, no break times, and no end.

Samad is that raised part of the land, not as high as a mountain but higher than the level of the ground, that is firm itself and can give support to the plants it surrounds.

Usually when someone gives us support we feel over a while that this support is becoming our weakness and we feel ourselves less self-sufficient. But ALLAH, As Samad's support is for making us more stronger instead of weaker. It comes to give us a boosted sense of strength and independence.

As Samad - The EverLasting Support - explanation of name

He is empowering us by giving us a continuous sense of strength from His merciful side. As Samad is the One we can rely upon and depend on without giving this idea a second thought. He is always there, always the most strong One, and is always sufficient for us. SubhanALLAH.

Another great aspect of As Samad is He is the center of focus for all who are seeking. Without Him, no affair can be accomplished. He is being called by countless hearts and tongues every moment and despite not having any need for anything or anyone, He listens, He fulfills and He shows all His kindness.

As Samad - The EverLasting Support - ayah قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ

The human share in this majestic name is about getting dependent on As Samad after doing our end’s efforts, as He is the One who is self-sufficient and independent.

As Samad - The EverLasting Support - tafseer al Tabari extract

ALLAH As Samad made us on His nature and so He wants to see us growing stronger. For that reason, He gives us different tests and trials. It is a greater honor and success of a servant to get through a test successfully.

How to know about success in a test of life? When we get through a difficult time and stay in it with heart relying on ALLAH, our relationship with As Samad becomes more stronger than before and we feel more connected and stronger by ALLAH's mercy. It is not always necessary for us to perform well. Maybe one day we make a mistake and the other day we lose our patience for the time being. The only thing that shouldn't lost is our connection of reliance on ALLAH.

As Samad - The EverLasting Support - human share

Making mistakes is not the end of our story but after a mistake, when we realize and get ashamed, when we ask His forgiveness and He will have mercy on us again, purify our hearts again with His kindness, then beauty, and strength of our relationship with Him further grows and deepens.

May ALLAH make us among His relying servants in all conditions of life. Aameen.

As Samad - The EverLasting Support human share ayah of tawbah from surah al maidah

Al Qadir - The All Able


Al Wahid - The (Unique) One