Al Qadir - The All Able

Al Qadir - The All Able - page cover

Al Qadir is the One who can control and authority to decide what will happen and what will not happen. He is the One who possesses power.

Qadir is the doer noun اسم الفاعل form of root Qdr ق د ر. It refers to the intention by which a thing comes into existence according to a predetermined plan of will and knowledge and is confirmed by both of them. Al Qadir is the One who can control it. The All Able and All-Powerful does what he wills.

Al Qadir - The All Able - explanation of name

Al Qadir is the One who makes the creatures and changes them as He likes. He is all able to create the best and the He has created, symmetry and harmony in everything. He is capable of making the creatures again and it is all easy for Him.

Al Qadir - The All Able - ayah 1

The absolutely powerful is He who creates each one of His creatures individually without needing assistance from anyone else, and this is ALLAH the most high. He detailed His creatures with perfection and finished them up with beauty, He is capable of doing all this without any effort or tire. For Him, it is all a matter of His order and it will happen as He likes.

Al Qadir - The All Able - ayah 2

ALLAH Al Qadir gives some people very openly and gives some people limited. Also, He can change the situation of anyone as He likes. He is the One in power and all able to control all these matters.

His decisions are not dependent on anyone’s good or bad conduct or previous mistakes, but things happen only when He wills and He is merciful to bless all of us as much as and when it is good for us.

Al Qadir - The All Able - ayah 3

It is one of the names of ALLAH which are common in use in our talks. This is because we all say that ALLAH is Al Qadir but living by it is not always easy. It is only possible for the true believers and fortunate slaves of ALLAH. Those who rely on Him and His decisions in all good and bad times can say الحمد لله والشكر لله على كل حال.

Al Qadir - The All Able - the human share in this name

We as slaves cannot question Him about why he did this or why He did that. We simply don't have any such rights. The only thing which can give us relief is His obedience and submission in front of Him. Relying upon Him for every smallest of the tasks is the honor of slaves of Al Qadir.

Al Qadir - The All Able - ayah of the human share.png

Al Muqtadir - The All-Determiner


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