Al Muqtadir - The All-Determiner

Al Muqtadir is the One who decides and determines the fate and His decisions are absolutely final. No reason can change it other than if He agrees to change or if He kindly blesses us to accept our prayers. The Qadr of ALLAH once decided can never with delayed or denied.

ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala is Al Qadir and He is Al Muqtadir. Al Muqtadir is the superior show of His power and His control than simply said "Al Qadir". This Name of Al Muqtadir has an overall Majesty and Expansive meanings. This is more efficient in telling us the enormous amount of control and abilities ALLAH carries over all His creatures in His great Kingdom which is expanded from the extreme limits of skies to the innermost depth of the earth. ALLAH is in power always and everywhere.

In reality, there is no decision-maker in our lives other than Him. Not even we ourselves. Our authority is limited. He alone is "Al Muqtadir". And this power of control He has on everything that exists. He only is in control, He is only able authority to empower all the other powers of the world.

ALLAH Al Muqtadir uses and shows His powers when and how He wills. We don't have any rights to ask, nothing we have more than just to pray, beg, and request Him with humble hearts. For He is the powerful King but at the same time, He is the most Merciful Rab. So our hearts' relationship with Him is of fear and hope mixed together in a blend. Hopes towards His greatest mercy are never ending despite we know He is the Absolute Power.

ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala is Al Qadir and He is Al Muqtadir. Al Muqtadir is the superior show of His power and His control than simply said "Al Qadir". This Name of Al Muqtadir has an overall Majesty and Expansive meanings. This is more efficient in telling us the enormous amount of control and abilities ALLAH carries over all His creatures in His great Kingdom which is expanded from the extreme limits of skies to the innermost depth of the earth. ALLAH is in power always and everywhere.

The human share in this name is submitting to His Majestic glory, controlling power, and total authority. When we submit ourselves in front of Him and try to do everything as He wants us to do, He will bless us one great day with endless success and beautiful return. His justice is without any fault. His promise is the most true one. May ALLAH help us to be in those who ALLAH will decide as successful. Aameen.


Al Qadir - The All Able