Al Muqsit - The Impartial Justice Authority

Al Muqsit - The Impartial Justice Authority - cover

Al Muqsit المُقسِط is the One who makes the best judgment leading to the perfect decisions of justice.

It comes from the root of ق س ط which means right and justified share.

ALLAH Al Muqsit is the most just. No one can reach that level of justice as He (subhanahu wa ta’ala) has the perfect combination of the three requirements of justice;

  • The Authority: That no one can challenge.

  • The Power: In front of which all have to surrender, His order has to be fulfilled without delay.

  • The Knowledge: No one can know humans so accurately and deeply than the One who created them. أَلَا يَعْلَمُ مَنْ خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ (Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Most Knowing.) Surat l-Mulk (Dominion)(67:14)

Al Muqsit - The Impartial Justice Authority - explanation of name

ALLAH Al Muqsit is the only center of our universe. He is the Creator, Owner, and the best decision-maker. His justice is one of the fundamental qualities of our Rab, without which life cannot be imagined. Life is maintained because of His balanced, equitable character and unbiased justice.

Al Muqsit - The Impartial Justice Authority - ayah 1

For every Muslim looking for the mercy of Al Muqsit, doing justice within the daily matters of life is a normal practice. Doing justice is the Glorious Majesty of our Rab. It is an order of our Rab for us as well. So, let us choose truth and justice whenever possible even if it is a difficult way.

Al Muqsit - The Impartial Justice Authority - ayah 2

The day of ultimate justice is the day of Qiyamah. On that day no one will be able to escape the final and eternal justice by ALLAH - The Great and Glorious. It is a good practice to remember that day while deciding any matter at present, those rows of people everywhere in the vision and the establishment of the balance to weigh our deeds. May ALLAH save us from the distress of that day. aameen.

Al Muqsit - The Impartial Justice Authority - ayah 3

The human share in this name is to make all good efforts to do justice. Consider it as an order from ALLAH. It includes justice in all matters. For example for relationships, all-level disputes, and daily work both on personal and professional levels. This also includes the balance of time between ALLAH, ourselves, and everyone else.

The people who understand true justice are those who insist on justice first from themselves to others. This is the essence of justice at the human level.

Every heart knows what is truth and what is the justified act. This is an inbuilt capacity of humans gifted to us by Al Muqsit. We just need to remind ourselves by remembering this name that we are supposed to do justice.

Al Muqsit - The Impartial Justice Authority - the human share

All of us are decision-makers in our small or big capacities. ALLAH asked us to make justified decisions when we decide among others. In this way, the difficult situation comes when we need to do justice between some dear one and someone not related. It is always important to be true and unbiased in such matters but at the same time, we need to be polite. The matters of truth and justice are serious. We need to remind ourselves about the answer we have to give one day when we will stand in front of ALLAH.

Al Muqsit - The Impartial Justice Authority - ayah concerning human share

Al Jama'y- The Assembling Authority


Dhul Jalal wal Ikram - the Rab of Majesty and Generosity