Al Jama'y- The Assembling Authority

Al Jama'y- The Assembling Authority - cover

Al Jama'y is the One who can gather His creations wherever He wills and whenever He wills. He has the total authority to assemble them and unite.

He is the Gatherer of creations on the Day of Qiyamah, and the Gatherer of the parts of creation too, after they have been scattered, became bone and dust. He will assemble them as a body and it is all easy for Him as He did it the first time.

Al Jama'y- The Assembling Authority - explanation of name

There is no doubt He will perfectly gather our body parts and unite them to make us in human form again for the accounts and final decisions. Then He assembles us in our destinations where He unites us with our families and friends again. (In sha ALLAH in a better place).

Al Jama'y- The Assembling Authority - ayah 1

He is the One Who gathers the groups and brings together some of them whom He wills with others. ALLAH The Most High gathered us in the form of families in this world. This is His choice and decision of whom he unites together and whom He decides not to unite.

Al Jama'y- The Assembling Authority - ayah 2 - surah al anaam

He is the One Who gathered the virtues and the noble deeds for the servants of His choice.

The qualities of perfection, majesty, complete power, and authority are for Him and only Him.

Al Jama'y- The Assembling Authority - ayah 3 surah al Qiyama

The human share in this name is to strengthen this belief that He will gather us in front of His Majesty one day for the complete accounts check. Let us do an assessment now for our accounts to improve them.

Al Jama'y- The Assembling Authority  - The Human Share

On this day, ALLAH Almighty combines the reward of those who obey Him and the punishment of those who disobey Him. In it, He brings together all the creatures from the beginning to the end. He brings together mankind and the jinn. He brings together the people of the skies and the people of the earth, He brings together every servant and his work. He brings together the oppressor and the oppressed, the arrogant and the humble, the strong and the weak, and He brings together every Prophet with his nation. That is the day of collection.

Al Jama'y- The Assembling Authority  - Al Jama'y human share ayah

Part of this share is how to improve our collection choices in this world. ALLAH being our Rab Ar Rahman Ar Raheem has given us the guidance of the best collection too in this ayah. We just need to be aware and practically involved in the process of betterment of our collection.

Al Jama'y- The Assembling Authority  - ayah concerning human share

Al Ghani - The Self-Sufficient


Al Muqsit - The Impartial Justice Authority