Al Ghani - The Self-Sufficient
Al Ghani is a combination of three characters:
Complete sufficiency ( Absolute independent capability )
Absence of needs ( of any provisions or help from others )
Richness ( Self-enriched without any external support and owns everything )
The combination of all these three characters is not possible in anyone other than ALLAH (may He be praised and exalted)
ALLAH Al Ghani is the owner of the skies and the earth and all the treasures known and hidden belong to Him. His praise is that He is free of all the needs. He is the provider to all the creatures living in this world and despite all being provided by Him continuously, there is no shortage and decrease in His possessions.
The most valuable items in this life, ALLAH has given us free of cost without any differentiation. We can look at the beauties of our world, the moon and the moonlight, the flowers, the chirping birds, the cute animals, butterflies, water, rain, all the colors around us, and the fantasies of starry sky above us. Not only that but the beauties of emotions like happiness and love. We get the purest love of parents and family without efforts by His blessing. Countless are the gifts for us from ALLAH and these all tell us the story of the beautiful kindness of our Rab - Al Ghani.
This name reminds us that we are completely dependent on our Rab and ALLAH is completely independent.
Ghina غِنَا is abundance. If we look at our life as a garden with plenty of colors in it, the characteristic of غِنَا is taken as an abundance of flowers. This garden does not face any shortage of flowers but they are spread all over in a variety of colors, textures, and types. They all are owned by One garden Owner. The happiness of birds in this garden will be in the beauty and pleasant feelings of this abundance surrounding them. They will sing happy songs of shukr and enjoy with a happy heart if the Owner is kind and so generous to bless them. Their happiness depends on the acts of blessing and kindness of the Owner and not on the garden itself.
Ghani in humans are those who understand their status of a beggar and a servant in front of their Rab. They understand that the sustenance of blessings is by glorifying the Owner and by showing humbleness in front of Him. As a matter of fact, whoever may raise the name of ALLAH and submit to Him in gratitude, ALLAH will not let him/her fall in front of anyone other than Him.
It is time for us to stop looking at people for their status, external beauty, and big names. No one can benefit us until ALLAH does not do so. No one is the owner of this garden of abundance but only ALLAH and He is the only One to bless us.
Also, true submission is followed by practical hard work and showing strength during the trials. This hardship we do to remain good in our conduct may please ALLAH but it is not a need of our Rab. It is His full right that we try hard and harder in His way. The need to do good only belongs to us and not to Him. He is Al Ghani - The Absolute sufficient and free of all needs.