Dhul Jalal wal Ikram - the Rab of Majesty and Generosity
This name is one of the most wonderful and deeply meaningful names of ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala.
It has two different aspects; both authentically define ALLAH in the best way.
Dhu ذو in Arabic stands for the “owner of”, or “bearer of”. That is to have a specific character usually described in words just after ذو.
Al Jalal is from the root of ج ل ل with the meaning of "a great matter".
جلال means a superior level of greatness and glory that strongly amazes and inspires others.
Al Ikram is from the root of ك ر م which has a simple meaning of generosity.
It is something at a superior level to the "blessing". It is a gift of honor from the One who is the Owner of all the absolute honor. As for ALLAH’s blessings are for everyone whether good or non-good, believer or non-believer, but the karam is different, it is not for the sinners (before they repent). Ikram is more reasonably meant for the servants He supports, loves, and raises above in ranks.
We get from others what they have. Our Rab has limitless and endless glory and the honor. So He bestows upon His servant some limited powers and authority. Also He has honor heavier and more precious than this earth, the skies and whatever they contain. So He likes to honor and raise His servants whomever He wills.
We cannot forget while talking about this name this beautiful dua of peace and blessed glory of ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala:
The human share in this majestic name is interesting yet multidimensional.
First thing to understand is the status of ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala and His servants. As when we know His majestic presence only than we may relate our honorable status as His servants.
The second thing is to follow with whole heart the glorious commands of our Rab. Sometimes we don't understand the reason of " why this happened " but we should always be sure that "He did it for some great goodness"
Our beloved Prophet ﷺ recommended us this zikr. He said to increase and never leave it. This precise hadith shows the importance of this name and the powerful impact it contains in our lives.