Soothing Dua of Qunoot

We know the qunoot (making dua while standing in salat) with regard to our witr prayers daily. This beautiful dua for asking ALLAH for guidance and security makes our prayer even more valuable. May ALLAH accept from us. aameen

This soothing dua is narrated by Hassan bin Ali ( razi Allah ta’ala anhu) as he was taught by his grand father our beloved Prophet ﷺ. Let’s learn it little more deeper today.

Asking ALLAH to be within His favorite ones is so humbling yet soothing. We ask ALLAH to guide us, be with us and bless us with His best blessings. It is our honour that He gave us ability to ask Him as Our Rab. Alhamdulillah. Let’s read this beautiful dua which we understood well, all together now. While at jamaat (congregation) prayers, we listen the dua with pronoun of “We” (نا) instead of “I” (ي). Don’t be confused by these changes.

Second part of Dua is related to the qunoot which our Prophet ﷺ recited and practised at a time of calamity. It has to be continued in addition of above dua.

This dua is included specifically at this time in relation to current calamity at the Ummah of Muhammad ﷺ .

This dua is something which we can send daily for helping our people in difficulty. May ALLAH bless each and every Muslim with peace, safety and prosperity. aameen

Dua of Qunoot

This tradition of qunut which is called qunoot e nazila, is not a regular routine to do for our Prophet ﷺ, but it is for the time of sorrow, worry and anger, when Muslims are oppressed. This is not against anyone but only against wrongdoing people who are responsible for oppression and killing of Muslims. It showed the emotion of anger to wrongdoers as well as the passion of asking ALLAH’s help to deal well in difficulty.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to read this dua in fajr prayer after ruku of last rakah ( as narrated by Anas bin Malik) and continued it for 1 month. (Sahih Muslim 677d, Book 5, Hadith 381)


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