Dua of Faithful Youth

All of us are familiar by the wonders of Surat ul Kahf, the tales it carries are all marvellous and full of everyday lessons. That is the reason we recite it every friday.

This dua is from the young immature boys who were having wisdom and faith only by the grace and guidance of ALLAH. They were not messengers, they were not guided by any messengers even but ALLAH has provided them from Himself the strength of faith.

Dua of faithful young boys of al kahf cover

The worship and heartfelt dua of youth ALLAH subhahu taala listens closely.

So, He seems to be activated a dedicated well organised support system to provide protection and care to them. These younger fellows has prayed to ALLAH while leaving all their life’s goals, dreams, careers, fun and luxuries for ALLAH’s sake.

rabbana aatina min ladunka rahmatan wa hayyay lana min amrina rashada

Let’s have a brief note of the background of the boys of al kahf.

background of boys of kahf, points of their real status and situation of background

In return of this dua, ALLAH has created a miraculous environment for them to get refuge in peaceful sleep of 309 years.

how ALLAH responded after the duaa to the boys of kahf, surat ul kahf dua

ALLAH has liked and accepted their sacrifice of life and luxuries for saving their faith. When the eeman, reliance and love of ALLAH grows in the hearts of youth, than miracles can happen with even normal people. A sincere heart is needed for it and that’s all.

the dua of boys of kahf, ashab e kahf, as haabe kahaf, the lesson from the dua extracted
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